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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The market presence of the DC9 is very limited and pales against that experienced in the mid 1990s. The dominance of Northwest suggests that the type will increasingly be withdrawn from service in the coming years. A principal problem for the DC9 is that it was never particularly popular outside…

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February 16, 2009
Maintenance Status Takes on Different Status During Recessionary Period
During this recession the issue of maintenance status as it relates to the value of aircraft takes on a new significance. Contrary to some opinion, the impact of maintenance status is not a constant. At the extremes of the cycle the relevance of lesser maintenance status can either be exaggerated…

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February 16, 2009
Decline in Narrowbody Residuals Remains Fluid
Medium Term Residuals Benefiting from Indecision With medium to long term residual values so heavily dependent on the timing and magnitude of any replacement product, the difficulty in unraveling longer term market dynamics by the manufacturers is likely to focus attention on modest product improvement programs, thereby delaying the service…

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February 2, 2009
Current Market Values Continue To Decline
There can be no escaping the inevitability that values of all aircraft types will face a decline during the course of 2009, the only question being of what magnitude. The values of virtually all used aircraft currently in production, excepting perhaps the B777-300ER and A380, are considered to have fallen…

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February 2, 2009
Rates Continue to Weaken
The older widebodies continue to face difficulties despite the fall in the price of fuel. With newer widebodies no longer in such shortage, the older aircraft are failing to experience the benefits of the Ripple Effect. The lease rentals are therefore facing new pressures. The lower interest rates are also…

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February 2, 2009
Aircraft Values Face Testing Times
The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend is clearly negative and will remain so for at least another twelve months. The values of older aircraft were the first to suffer…

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February 2, 2009
Values of B747-200B At Scrap Levels
The recent spike in fuel prices sealed the fate of the B747-200B, something that was already evident. The fall in the price of fuel has been caused by economic decline and as such the market for older widebodies has become very limited, even for ad hoc charters. Before the first…

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February 2, 2009
Aircraft Asset Assessment
B747-200B Market Presence. When comparing the B747-200B and A380, the chasm in terms of technology becomes all too evident. The three person flight deck; clockwork instrumentation; 1950s vintage structure (the B747 fuselage is a derivative of the B707); comparatively basic interior (though carriers Virgin spent millions on presenting the most…

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February 2, 2009