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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Values & Rentals Face Downward Pressures
The previous exceptional demand for the B767-300ER has waned such that the much expected decline in values has commenced in earnest to the extent that during the course of the last six months, values have fallen by some fifteen percent. With production now stretching back for more than 20 years…

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March 16, 2009
Aircraft Asset Assessment
The B767-300ER Market Presence. The B767-300ER presented the operating leasing community with the ideal tool with which to enter the widebody operating lease arena. Throughout the 1990s the B767-300ER enjoyed considerable success but then fell victim to the usual problem of lengthy production and market saturation. Past success was achieved…

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March 16, 2009
Rising Number of Parked Aircraft Will Delay Value Recovery
As the number of aircraft in storage rises, the recovery in values will be delayed even if such aircraft are not being actively marketed. Aircraft values are impacted by two statistics – the number and relative proportion of aircraft being actively marketed and those parked or stored. For nearly a…

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March 16, 2009
Boeing List Prices Show Only Modest Increase for 2008
Gap With Net Prices Continues to Widen Despite the rapid escalation of energy related costs during the course of 2008 Boeing list prices rose by a relatively modest 2.6 percent compared to those quoted in 2007, significantly less than the 4.9 percent registered by Airbus in mid 2008. The publication…

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March 2, 2009
A318 Values Fail to Inspire
With only two outstanding orders for airline customers, the prospects for values of the A318 are not looking favorable. The total number of orders for the A318 number 83. Of these, 67 have been delivered with all 67 in operation. However, of the 16 remaining to be delivered, only two…

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March 2, 2009
Dash8-400 Values Remain Unchanged – At Present
Values of the Dash8-400 are under scrutiny as investigators seek to determine the loss of a Colgan Air aircraft on the 12th February. The cause of the crash, like so many others, is likely to result from a number of interconnected events rather than a single event. The aircraft suffered…

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March 2, 2009
Lease Rentals Start to Suffer
The market for widebodies had been very buoyant but the economic woes that now stretch around the globe are forcing down rates. The inevitable slowdown in production and the contraction of operations has loosened supply once again. While operators of existing widebodies are loath to actually dispose of assets in…

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March 2, 2009
The End is Here
With the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft now worth less than $1 million and indeed, much less, there is little to commend the various types in this category. For the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was…

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March 2, 2009