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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Corporate Jet Values Continue to Falter
“Heavy Iron” Face Severe Pressures Values of corporate jets, previously perceived to be the “safe haven” for those seeking assured returns, have experienced a near 25 percent decline over the course of the last year with further falls expected. During the period 2003-2007 values of used corporate jets rose significantly…

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April 13, 2009
Bombardier CS100 & CS300 Price Tag Bears No Resemblance to Values
The list prices of the CS100 and CS300 at more than $40 million are considerably above the net selling price. Whereas Airbus and Boeing can claim the 35-45 percent disparity between list price and net selling price is a function of history, the development of a new aircraft by Bombardier…

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April 13, 2009
Turboprop Values Experience Modest Decline
A year ago the market for the turboprop appeared attractive. the price of fuel was rising on its way to record highs and despite the onset of economic weakness, the demand for turboprops exceeded supply. Values were able to register a period of stability. The market for turboprops has declined…

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April 13, 2009
The listing of current and future market values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption, following ISTAT Market Value guidelines, is that the aircraft is being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for…

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April 13, 2009
Older Widebody Values Will Not Recover
The fortunes of the older widebodies are at rock bottom even if the price of fuel remains consistently low. Older widebodies may have the advantage of low capital cost but they also have the ability to drain resources and threaten reliability. The three person cockpits, the D checks, engine overhauls…

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March 30, 2009
MD83 Values Hit the Buffers
The values of the MD83 have continued to decline as the type faces the inevitable consequences of parking en masse and the move to newer equipment. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity. While during the recent period of…

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March 30, 2009
Harsher Market May Accelerate Not Delay Narrowbody Replacement
The impetus for a replacement of the A320 and B737NG families is constantly shifting as manufacturers and operators grapple with rapidly changing market conditions but the downturn has the potential to accelerate rather than retard the replacement process, thereby undermining residual value expectations of existing equipment. With CFM finalizing the…

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March 30, 2009
Economic Contagion Precipitates Tipping Point for Values
Sharp Drop in Global Traffic Points to Fleet Contractions Forcing Down Values The tipping point for values has passed as the worldwide economic downturn translates into depressed demand for travel in all sectors. Values of virtually all aircraft are experiencing significant falls as operators seek to cope with much reduced…

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March 30, 2009