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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Weak Demand Undermines Values of All Types There has been an appreciable change in the current and short term values of most aircraft types since the October 2008 issue due to the continuing difficulties of the financial markets and the recessionary effects of the global economy. The values were prepared…

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July 20, 2009
Transaction Data Correlates with Values
Financing Levels Much More Realistic A perennial problem for the calculation of market, rather than abstract base, values is finding sufficient reliable data points upon which to generate an opinion but fortunately there continue to be some indications of actual transaction pricing. China Eastern Airlines has reportedly finalized the sale…

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July 6, 2009
A330-300 Values Remain On Even Keel
With the values of so many aircraft types suffering due to severe market weakness, the recent orders for the A330-300s provides some respite. Values of the A330-300, while having fallen in line with expectations, have nonetheless experienced less traumatic declines than some other widebodies. The order for six A330-300s from…

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July 6, 2009
B787 Delay Takes Further Shine Off Anticipated Values
The latest indeterminate delay to the B787 provides further unease regarding the relative value of the first units off the production line. The values of the B787, partly due to the recession but also because of the myriad of reworkings and delays, have already been lowered this year from previous…

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July 6, 2009
Values of Superjet 100 Need To Created As Orders Edge West
The expansion of the Sukhoi Superjet 100 orderbook into the traditional Bombardier and Embraer territory is increasing the pressure to generate values for the Russian type, an event that has traditionally been fraught with difficulty. The Paris Salon could represent the major turning point for the Russian regional jet project.…

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July 6, 2009
Rentals Continue to Falter
The lease rentals of the more “desirable” narrowbodies – if indeed such a term can be used in the midst of the current malaise – continue to fall in the face of sustained problems. While there are still deals to be done, the raft of new deliveries, combined with significant…

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July 6, 2009
Older Widebody Values Continue to Fall
With values having fallen so far already it is perhaps hard to imagine that there exists an opportunity for further falls to take place. Unfortunately in this market, the older widebodies are facing the prospect of reaching scrap levels much sooner than expected, never to recover. Against the backdrop of…

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July 6, 2009
B777-300 Values Continue to Dive
As expected values, of the B777-300 continue to experience a significant decline. The -300 has been under pressure for a number of years, even before the onset of the recession. The limited range of the -300 has been a major problem for the aircraft, hence only 60 orders being placed.…

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July 6, 2009