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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
“Majority of the world’s freighter fleets will have to be permanently grounded” - Lufthansa
Despite the apparent marginal improvement in the economy of some countries, reportedly Lufthansa has indicated that should the current market conditions persist for any length of time then the “majority of the world’s freighter fleet will have to be permanently grounded”. The comments have been reportedly made in a 27…

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September 14, 2009
Storage & Availability Levels Continue to Undermine Values
Rising Tide of Younger Examples Will Take Time to be Reabsorbed Values and lease rentals continue to be under pressure and the rise in the number of aircraft in storage and being advertised for sale or lease will only serve to undermine any prospect of stability emerging in the near…

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August 31, 2009
Rising Capacity Will Take Time to Translate into Higher Lease Rentals
The latest capacity and frequency figures may show a slowdown in the rate of decline but for lease rentals to show any improvement will require much greater improvement over a sustained period. Lease rentals for modern narrow and widebodies have fallen by between 20-30 percent and further falls are expected…

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August 31, 2009
Turboprop Rentals Falter
The turboprop sector may not be experiencing the severe problems as the jet sector but lower costs are also not providing a defense against the ravages of the global recession. Manufacturers have to work harder to secure new orders. The ageing nature of the fleet also makes for difficult times.…

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August 31, 2009
Older & 50 Seaters Face Difficult Times
There can be no escaping the little appetite for 50 seat regional jets when availability continues to creep upwards. The values of the 50 seaters have continued to experience considerable problems in the face of the loss of traffic and contraction of operations either enforced or voluntary. Passengers using 50…

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August 31, 2009
B737-500 Values Experience Substantive Decline
The values of the -500, in common with other members of the B737 Classic family, have experienced a considerable decline over the course of the last eighteen months. The introduction of new larger regional jets as well as a changing structure and ageing product life cycle means that the B737-500…

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August 31, 2009
B767-300ER Rentals Continue to Falter Despite B787 Delay
The continued difficulty in securing high yielding traffic is causing operators to lay up surplus widebodies, including the once ubiquitous B767-300ER. The catastrophic and potentially long term, decline in high yielding traffic is helping to turn the classic long haul “flag carrier” model of scheduled operations upside down. The last…

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August 31, 2009
Lease Rates Continue To Decline
Lessors Chasing Fewer Lessees Lease rates of most aircraft types continue to decline in the face of weakening demand and rising availability. Earlier in the year, lease rates of aircraft of the A320 and B737NG families had fallen by some 20 percent. This downward trend has continued through the months…

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August 17, 2009