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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
The listing of current and future values are based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures for October 31st 2009 current values represent…

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January 4, 2010
Annus Horribilis for Values
Values & Lease Rentals Experienced Significant Declines in 2009 The values of all aircraft have experienced a substantive fall during the course of 2009 and there continues to be an expectation that 2010 will see further declines as the aviation market struggles to emerge from recession. Values of all aircraft…

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December 7, 2009
Deferrals Fail to Obscure Problems for New Aircraft
The near record number of deliveries taking place this year would seem to suggest that the market remains comparatively strong despite the slump in traffic levels. However, this recession has been characterized by deferrals whereas post 2001, cancellations were more in evidence as carriers collapsed. Boeing cites only 111 cancellations…

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December 7, 2009
Parting Out Continues to Highlight Plight of Used Values
The parting out of types under 20 years of age continues, highlighting the problems being experienced in placing even newer types. The large number of new aircraft being delivered continues to overshadow the used market where the sale of aircraft for cash remains elusive. There are some 2,000 aircraft in…

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December 7, 2009
Availability Remains Stable But Storage Levels Highlight Market Weakness
Latest figures from OAG Aviation Solutions not surprisingly continues to show high levels of availability. The latest figures for November 2009 show that that some 669 aircraft were being actively marketed. This compares with 675 for the previous month October, and with the some 2,000 aircraft listed as being in…

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December 7, 2009
Turboprop Rentals Stabilize
The lease rentals of turboprops have enjoyed a period of stability over the last quarter after having experienced some downward pressures due to the wider economic crisis. The placement of new orders for turboprops remains encouraging but this does not signify that there is a shortage of used aircraft. In…

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December 7, 2009
CRJ Cutbacks Make for Difficult Times
The cutbacks recently announced by Bombardier with respect to CRJ production highlights the problem of the regional jet market. The regional jet market has traditionally been a more hand to mouth sector whereby not much time elapses between order placement and deliveries. With a notable shortage of orders in recent…

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December 7, 2009
Values of B767-300 Continue to Dive
The appetite for the -300 has always been overshadowed by the demand for the -300ER and during the latest recession, values have declined further. The problems facing the B767-300 program are indicated by the order status. Only seven units were ordered during the course of the 1990s with the last…

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December 7, 2009