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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Residual Values Once Again Need to Focus on Narrowbody Replacement
The fall in the backlog combined with lower fuel consumption offered by the CSeries and the emphasis on lower emissions, is increasingly forcing Airbus and Boeing to reconsider their replacement plans for their respective narrowbody aircraft. Previously preferring to push back a replacement to perhaps 2020 and beyond, both manufacturers…

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February 15, 2010
Tech Insertion Engines Continue to Warrant Premium
The Tech Insertion engine introduced by CFM in 2007 on the B737NG and A320 continues to offer sufficient advantage over previous variants as to justify an increase. The Tech Insertion engine has become the standard production engine for the CFM56-7B and CFM56-5B engines that power the A320 and B737NG families.…

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February 15, 2010
Lease Rentals Show Some Stability
Despite the leanest of quarters for the airlines, lease rentals of in-production narrowbodies are considered to have achieved a measure of stability although lessors sometimes need to offer inducements in the form of step rates. Comparing lease rentals on a like for like basis can be difficult given the influence…

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February 15, 2010
Older Widebodies Make Good Restaurants
The Museum Effect has taken hold of older widebody values such that donation has become a more tax efficient means of disposal as well as offering the potential for a plaque to be installed for the giver, reflecting an enduring contribution to aviation. With so few in service, even parting…

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February 15, 2010
B777-300ER Continues to be Widebody of Choice
Despite the many adverse pressures affecting the market, the -300ER has established itself as the most desirable of widebodies, aided of course by the high price of fuel. B777-300ER Vital Statistics LAUNCH 03/2000 STANDARD MTOW 750,000lbs LIST PRICE (2008) $257-286.5m FIRST FLIGHT 02/2003 OPTIONAL MTOW 775,000lbs TYPICAL DISCOUNT 46% SERVICE…

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February 15, 2010
MD80 Freighter Conversion Fails to Raise Values Above Scrap Levels
The MD80 freighter conversion is edging closer to reality, nearly 25 years after being first mooted, but values of the passenger examples are unlikely to be benefit from this “new” role. Aeronautical Engineers (AEI), a long standing converter of aircraft, is hoping that the supplemental type certificated (STC) for the…

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February 15, 2010
Rentals Start to Exhibit Stability As Market Improves
Cargo traffic levels have increased sufficiently to encourage the reintroduction of previously surplus capacity. Chinese carriers saw a significant improvement in November, registering year on year rises of between 30-60 percent compared to the previous year. In particular China is importing more products, outpacing exports. There is increased emphasis on…

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February 1, 2010
Widebody Values Now Have Potential to Rise
The market is likely to need time to recover but for some widebodies the worst may be over. While there is no indication of a rapid thaw, the prospect of further falls has receded – except for perhaps the B747-400 which may fall victim to JAL restructuring. Values are expected…

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February 1, 2010