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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Asking Prices Start to Compare With Values
The number of aircraft being advertised for sale or lease is failing to abate but asking prices for used aircraft continue to be on the optimistic side. The asking prices remain just that – asking prices. The final price to be paid for an aircraft will likely be that much…

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August 16, 2010
Disparate Behavoir Between Lease Rates and Values Still Evident
While lease rentals for the more popular models are showing signs of improvement, values for the very same types may still be experiencing a downward trend. Lease rentals for the more popular types dropped by more than 20 percent during the recent Great Recession but rates are improving once more.…

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August 16, 2010
Storage of over 100 DC9s Irrelevant
With the acquisition of 22 Delta (Northwest) DC9s by GA Telesis for parting out, the final chapter of the type is being written. The values of the DC9 have been at rock bottom for many years. Even after Northwest spent millions of dollars in refurbishing the aircraft and improving the…

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August 16, 2010
Lease Rentals Stable Due to Previous Declines
The lease rentals of the 50 seat regional jets have experienced a significant fall in recent years such that they have now reached a level from which further falls are unlikely. The problems of the 50 seat regional jets market stem to some extent from the creation of an artificial…

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August 16, 2010
Farnborough Heralds New Ordering Cycle But Values Constrained
New Aircraft Values Continue to be Undermined by Lack Luster Used Segment While the recent Farnborough Air Show saw a flurry of orders from lessors and airlines alike, the participation of so many leasing companies suggests that the pricing of new aircraft was still very attractive. Leasing companies such ILFC,…

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August 2, 2010
Corporate Jet Values Take Time To Recover
Corporate jet values are edging up and out of recession but only ever so slowly and not with the degree of conviction that has been evident with past recovery periods. The latest J.P. Morgan survey of corporate jet availability for June 2010 saw a modest fall in the number of…

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August 2, 2010
Surge in Turboprop Orders Underline Stable Values
Despite the changing nature of the turboprop orderbook, values of such aircraft as the ATR72-500 and Dash8Q-400 have exhibited considerable stability. While the values of virtually all jets have exhibited at least a 20 percent fall during this recession, the values of turboprops still in production have fallen by the…

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August 2, 2010
First B737-600 To Be Scrapped Sold for “$11.25 Million”
The joint administrators of the defunct Globespan Group, the UK based airline and travel operator, had sought buyers for a B737-600 but could only find a buyer wishing to acquire the aircraft for parting out. The B737-600, serial number 28030, was originally built in April 1999. The aircraft was initially…

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August 2, 2010