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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Improvement in Corporate Jet Values Focuses on Larger Aircraft
The prices of corporate jets, according to JP Morgan, for pre-owned aircraft are still down by between 26 and 35 percent compared to their peak of late 2008 but some sectors have recently shown an improvement. The number of new orders being placed continues to fall short of production such…

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September 27, 2010
Differing Specification of A350-900 May Confuse Values
The introduction of the A350-800, the second variant of the A350 that will enter service, is already set to become the point at which the weight of the first variant – the -900 – could be reduced. Just as the values of the initial variants of the B787-8 are being…

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September 27, 2010
Widebody Lease Rates Rising
Air traffic continues to increase and more importantly so does premium traffic. The demand for widebodies continues to grow as passengers return to the market in numbers. The Asian segment shows notable growth. Operators depend on premium traffic for their profitability on the long haul sectors and demand in this…

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September 27, 2010
Larger Regional Jets See Value Improvement
While the values of the 50 seat regional jets remain in the doldrums those of the larger variants are seeing a modest increase. The 70+ seaters may not be securing the quantity of orders desired by the manufacturers but there remains sufficient activity in the used market as to provide…

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September 27, 2010
B737-900ER Values Start to Improve
The market for the larger -900ER has the potential to improve as operators seek larger equipment as a means of reducing seat mile costs. In the spring of 2001, Boeing started studying the possibility of a -900X featuring more range and allowing more seats to be fitted. This necessitated the…

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September 27, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B737-900ER
Market Presence. As a member of the B737NG family the fate of the -900ER is somewhat assured. The use of extra fuel tanks provides the range while the extra exits offers operators the necessary capacity to compensate for the higher weight - and cost. The extra tanks, which can be…

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September 27, 2010
B747-400F Crash Re-Ignites Potential Need for Freighter Modifications
The tragic crash of an UPS B747-400F Freighter may have passed largely unnoticed but the implications for freighter aircraft could be significant. The incident at Dubai involved a fire in the cargo hold prior to the crash. There have been reports that the aircraft was carrying a large amount of…

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September 27, 2010
Sustained B737NG Production Could Herald Lower Pricing
Used Values Have Potential to be Impacted by Constrained Net Prices With Boeing increasingly averse to developing to a re-engining program to match the proposed NEO – New Engine Option – of Airbus, Boeing may have to resort to lower pricing to maintain production levels. The deliberations of both Airbus…

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September 27, 2010