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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Freight Battered by Conflicting Statistics
Freight continues to rebound according to IATA even if the figures for August were inevitably subdued compared to previous months due to lesser falls in the year before. However, there now exists concern that the market for airfreight is not so strong as might have been expected. Indeed, traffic from…

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October 25, 2010
Chapter 2 Values Fade From View
For the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was already proving to be more difficult and the credit crunch has only exaggerated the difficulties. There has been little change since the last update of June and therefore…

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October 25, 2010
Values & Rentals Experience Downward Pressures
The previous exceptional demand for the B767-300ER has waned such that during the course of the last eighteen months, values have fallen by more than twenty percent. The delay to the B787 however, continues to see obscure the inevitable, at least for some. With production stretching back for more than…

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October 25, 2010
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B767-300ER
Market Presence. The B767-300ER presented the operating leasing community with the ideal tool with which to enter the widebody operating lease arena. Throughout the 1990s and then again in the last decade, the B767-300ER enjoyed considerable success but then fell victim to the usual problem of lengthy production and market…

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October 25, 2010
E-Jet Values & Lease Rates Hold Up on Used Market
The regional jet market, so long dominated by the activities and support of the OEMs, has broken free of such shackles and has proven arms-length trading can take place at pricing levels that actually match current market values and lease rentals. Although the first of the new generation of E-Jets…

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October 25, 2010
Residuals Prepare for Different Product Line in Ten Years
Rising Production Rates for Current Models Fail to Mask Pressure on Residuals By the end of this decade the product lines of the manufacturers will have undergone a radical change causing long term market values of current offerings to experience significant change. Virtually all segments of the current product offerings…

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October 11, 2010
Out of Production Widebodies Continue to Suffer
The lease rates of the older widebodies are largely managing to maintain stable even if the number in storage and being parted out remains high. The only way that lease rentals will rise is if the lease term is shorter and if the financial standing of the lessee weakens still…

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October 11, 2010
Turboprop Values Feature Stability
Turboprop values have achieved a measure of stability after the recession caused a temporary shortfall in orders. The problems associated with a fall in orders during the Great Recession have receded with the manufacturers gearing up production once more. The arrival of new derivatives, in the form of the Dash8Q-400NG…

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October 11, 2010