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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Fire & Delay Causes Further Problem for B787 Values
The fire on board the B787-8 on 9th November is contributing to concern that values of the first approximate 100 aircraft will face considerable negative pressure as investors become concerned over future remarketing opportunities for such examples. The cause of the fire, while still under investigation at the time of…

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December 6, 2010
A330-200 Values Remain Stable Despite Preference for -300
The A330 has experienced a number of fortunes in recent years but the current preference for the -300 signals that the heyday for the -200 is perhaps passing. In the first ten months of 2010 Airbus had secured 24 orders for the A330-200. This compares with 38 orders for revitalized…

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December 6, 2010
Turboprop Rentals Stable After Recent Rise
The lease rentals of a number of turboprops recently edged upwards but are now stable once more as the operators seek to contain operating costs. Demand outstrips supply albeit with the preference being for new aircraft. However, it is notable that used examples of some types continue to experience a…

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December 6, 2010
Newer Narrowbody Values On Cusp of Rise
With many of the parameters that precipitate a rise in values now in the right position, values are still expected to emerge from their chrysalis and move outwards and upwards next year. With values of the narrowbodies in production having fallen by more than 20 percent since the start of…

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December 6, 2010
E170 Values See Improvement
The values of the E170 experienced a slight fall during the recent recession but have since recovered as demand for aircaft more efficient than the 50 seaters takes hold. The Embraer 170 aircraft was the first member of a new family of commercial jets developed by Embraer after the ERJ135/145.…

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December 6, 2010
A320 / B737NG Long Term Residuals Could be Squeezed by C919
Launch of Chinese 150 Seat Offering Will Further Muddy Residual Outlook If the prospects for long term residual values were not already shrouded in uncertainty due to the possible launch of the A320-NEO, then the development of the Chinese C919 is likely to increase the difficulty in establishing which aircraft…

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November 22, 2010
Asking Prices Remain Realistic
With the continued improvement of the airline industry, the market for efficient aircraft outweighs supply potentially leading to higher prices except that the finance for used aircraft remains limited. An A300-600F built in 1994 and previously operated by China Southern has an asking price of $24 million which is in…

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November 22, 2010
Trent Powered A380 Values “On Watch”
The problems caused by the uncontained engine failure of a Trent 900 on the Qantas A380 will cause considerable problems for Airbus, Rolls-Royce and operators and as such the values of the specific airframe/engine combination, but not the A380, have been placed “On Watch”. The values of the A380 in…

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November 22, 2010