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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Republic MoU for A319neo Causes Some Confusion
The Paris Air Show was the venue for some significant commitments and none more so than the Memorandum of Understanding placed for 40 A320neos and 40 A319neos by Republic Airways. The Republic commitment for 40 A319neo has created some confusion as the airline has already ordered 40 Bombardier CS300s, being…

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July 18, 2011
B737NG Values Fail to Advance Even as Production Increases
Even though the B737-800 remains the most popular of narrowbodies, values of the newly delivered aircraft are failing to advance as the combination of rising production rates, advancing product life cycles, and replacement concerns converge. Boeing is raising production of the B737NG yet again. By the first half of 2014…

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July 18, 2011
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Some Aircraft Stage Modest Recovery Values of some aircraft are continuing to experience falls as operators still seek to cope with variable traffic, reduced yields and high fuel prices. While there are some positive signs with respect to the world economy the events in Japan and the problems…

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July 4, 2011
“High Residual” Values of A320 Blamed for A320 P2F Cancellation
Higher Than Expected Conversion Cost Could Also Contribute to Decision The cancellation of the A320 Passenger to Freighter (P2F) conversion program, at least in its current form, will have consequences for residual values of the type in the medium term even if “high” current values are cited as the reason…

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June 20, 2011
A330-300 Conversion Offers Hope for Residual Values of Early Examples
While the values of the A330-300Enhanced are performing well, the values of earlier -300s with lower weights are experiencing some weakness but at least some of the downward trend in the coming years could be partially arrested if the conversion program comes to fruition. The demise of the A320 passenger…

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June 20, 2011
Parting Out Demands Two Values
With new aircraft acting just as much as replacement capacity as growth capacity the displacement of older aircraft to the junkyard is requiring a greater appreciation of the nuances associated with parting out values. There are some 2,000 aircraft in storage. Of these only 10-15 percent will be returned to…

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June 20, 2011
Widebody Rentals Stable
The need to redistribute widebody capacity in the wake of various events, not least those in Japan and the latest involving ash clouds, has taken the edge of the improvement in international traffic. However, whatever the fragility of the market there can be no denying the sustained interest in international…

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June 20, 2011
Values of Larger Aircraft Edge Higher
The 50 seat regional jet market continues to lose favor but the larger jets remain in demand. With the 120 seat segment of the market – the A319 and B737-700 – losing favor, the differential in seating capacity between the regional jets and the 150 seaters is significant. Operators continue…

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June 20, 2011