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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Realism Prevails for A320 Values
The short term prospects for values of the newer A320s remain reasonable even in the context of the A320neo. The demand for newer equipment, as a means of reducing costs, remains sufficiently strong as to allow the values of new A320s to nudge towards $40 million with the possibility that…

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September 12, 2011
Delta Order for B737-900ERs Arrives Too Late for Values to Pick Up
The order for 100 B737-900ERs from Delta will do much to inflate the -900ER orderbook but will do little for values of the type. The order reflects an urgent need on the part of Delta to replace ageing MD88s in the coming years. The delivery schedule of the Delta order…

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September 12, 2011
B737 Classic Values Keep on Falling
The recent fall in the price of oil has done little to alleviate the problems surrounding the B737 Classic which is continuing to see displacement by newer aircraft and a fall in demand. The current market conditions for the B737-300 and -400 are far removed from those experienced only five…

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August 29, 2011
Certification of B747-8F Fails to Inspire Values
The long awaited certification of the B747-8F by the FAA and EASA has at last taken place but values continue to be fortunate to exceed $185 million. The delay to the B747-8F, coming after the debacle of the B787, represented a major embarrassment for Boeing. The aircraft has been delayed…

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August 29, 2011
Turboprop Residuals Face Threat of New Types
The market for turboprops is currently stable due in no small part to only incremental improvement in the design of the existing models. However, in the medium term this will change with the inevitable development of new aircraft. The narrowbody jet market is in a state of flux as a…

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August 29, 2011
Recession & Tighter Lending Could Eventually Outweigh Lower Fuel Prices
The recent significant volatility in the world stock markets will likely have short term benefits for the airline industry but could potentially lead to problems for aircraft values as traffic falls and tighter lending makes for higher borrowing costs. The fall in the price of oil, if sustained for any…

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August 15, 2011
Past Aircraft Value Behavior Provides Clue to To Future for Investors
The launch of the A320neo, and the probable re-engining of the B737NG, has increasingly stimulated investors to consider how the values of existing products could change by examining how past developments have changed values. The development of the A320neo, and the likely re-engining of the B737NG, have already had an…

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August 15, 2011
Lease Rentals of Regional Jets Remain Sound
The lease rentals of regional jets continue to remain strong as the overall market, notwithstanding recent stock market volatility, continues to offer promise of further expansion. The acquisition of BAE Asset Management by Falko Regional Aircraft, backed by investment from Fortress Investment Group, also part owner of Aircastle, underlines how…

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August 15, 2011