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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
50 Seat Regional Jet Market Declines Further
The demand for used 50 seat regional jets continues to be sufficiently sporadic as to cause values, primarily for the CRJ200s, to fall further. The 50 seat regional jet market has been out of favor for the last five years when it became clear that the combination of the relaxation…

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September 26, 2011
B747-400 Values Continue to Face Weakness
The values of the B747-400 enjoyed a measure of recovery in the twelve month period through to January this year but have since exhibited a slight decline as operators focus on newer types that more match demand patterns. The development of the B747-8, albeit still to enter service, finally draws…

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September 26, 2011
French Government Spending on A330-200 Suggests $20 million Premium
The acquisition, refurbishment and reconfiguration of a widebody for VIP use by the French Government underlines the variability in pricing of used aircraft. In 2009 an A330-200 (serial number 240) built in 1998 was acquired by Sabena Technics for use by the French Government. The aircraft was seemingly bought by…

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September 26, 2011
B737MAX Settles Narrowbody Values "Down"
Boeing has finally made a decision on re-engining the B737 thereby creating a measure of certainty with respect to the fate of the narrowbody product line which inevitably raises questions as to how far values of the existing A320 and B737 aircraft will be impacted. Boeing will be anxious to…

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September 12, 2011
Future Values of B737NG Need to Avoid Double Counting
The launch of the B737MAX is expected to cause some anxiety for investors and those with an interest in asset values of the existing A320 and B737NG family members. Historically, values of an existing product line have been adversely affected when a replacement aircraft has been launched though the major…

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September 12, 2011
Freighter Conversion for Fokker 100 Could Aid Values
The development of a freighter conversion program for the Fokker 100 has the potential to stabilize values of the passenger version by helping to reduce the level of availability. Jet Midwest and Phoenix Aerosolutions are seeking to offer the freighter conversion program for the some 180 Fokker 180s that remain…

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September 12, 2011
Turboprop Rentals Remain Stable
The introduction of updated turboprops, in the form of the ATR72-600 and Dash8Q-400NG, has failed to have any impact on rentals. The jet sector may be showing signs of blowing hot and cold due to economic and stock market uncertainty but the turboprop sector is showing greater resilience. However, the…

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September 12, 2011
Newer Narrowbody Values Stable
Despite the certainty of change in the narrowbody sector in the coming years, the values of the newer examples are showing a measure of stability. Economic uncertainty however, is proving to be a contradictory force. TAM for example is due to accept 13 new A320s in the near future but…

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September 12, 2011