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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
New A320 CFM56 Configuration Warrants Premium
After the service entry of the CFM56-7BE on the B737NG saw an increase in values the arrival of the CFM56-5B Performance Improvement Package (PIP) on the A320 family will have a similar impact on values of the Airbus product. The PIP on the engines powering the A320 family became the…

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November 21, 2011
Embraer Re-engining Too Far Off to Affect Existing Values
The larger regional jet market has become the new hunting ground for lessors seeking to increase margins but discussion surrounding the re-engining of the existing Embraer E-Jet product range is unlikely to have any effect on short to medium term residual values. Embraer has been considering developing a larger product…

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November 21, 2011
Boeing List Prices for 2011 Jump Nearly 5 Percent
List prices for Boeing aircraft rose by an average of nearly five percent between 2010 and 2011, outpacing normal inflation but perhaps reflecting not inconsiderable energy and labor pricing pressures. The inexorable rise in list prices has little relevance to market forces. List prices from manufacturers have risen whether the…

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November 7, 2011
Service Entry of First B787 Allows Values to Stabilize
The service entry of the first B787-8 may have taken place but Boeing still has some way to go to recoup the value premium that has been lost due to the delays to the program and continual need for modifications. Before the delays to the B787 took hold, the values…

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November 7, 2011
Values of B747-400SF/-BCFs Expected to Improve Next Year
The values of the B747-400 have once again fallen to levels that make their acquisition for freighter conversion that much more economic. Nearly a decade ago Aircastle took advantage of the much reduced prices of B747-400s resulting from investors seeking to exit aircraft financing as quickly as possible. Relatively young…

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November 7, 2011
Older Regional Jet Rentals Start to Weaken
The age profile of the 70+ seater regional jets is advancing and as such it is becoming increasingly necessary to appreciate that rentals need to reflect the changes that are taking place. While the rentals of the 50 seaters have faced continued downward pressure they are at levels which make…

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November 7, 2011
Freighter Values Experience Slight Fall
The values of freighter aircraft have mostly experienced a decline in recent months as the world economy fails to improve. The only exception to the overall downward trend remains the B777F. Otherwise the lack luster nature of the world economy is ensuring that the demand for airfreight capacity is becoming…

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November 7, 2011
Values of B767-300 Edge Towards the Abyss
The market for the -300 continues to fail to inspire as the type falls from grace and the focus moves to newer aircraft types. The problems facing the B767-300 program are indicated by the order status. Only seven units were ordered during the course of the 1990s with the last…

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November 7, 2011