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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Option List Pricing Can Distort Values
Options on new and used aircraft can serve to increase the overall value of aircraft but the simple application of list prices may cause the final value to be inflated. The manufacturers have increasingly included previously optional items as standard on aircraft but there remain a myriad of options that…

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December 5, 2011
A330 Conversion Program Would Likely Aid Medium Term Values
The seeming delay to the development of an A330 conversion program by Airbus is understandable in the context of strong demand for the type and associated high values of passenger aircraft but such a modification would likely aid values in the medium term by constraining levels of availability. With demand…

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December 5, 2011
Dubai Focus on New Aircraft Obscures Parting Out of Older Types
The Dubai air show has become nearly as much a forum for the placement of new orders as Paris or Farnborough and the venue has clearly demonstrated the preference for newer equipment at a time when older types continue to be parted out. The Dubai air show saw a massive…

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December 5, 2011
Values of A340 Continue to Fall as end of Production Announced
High Fuel Prices & Greater Engine Reliability Force Pace of Change The values of the A340 have been experiencing a sustained fall for some time and the absence of any notable order intake in recent years has inevitably caused Airbus to wind up the ailing program. The decision to no…

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November 21, 2011
New A320 CFM56 Configuration Warrants Premium
After the service entry of the CFM56-7BE on the B737NG saw an increase in values the arrival of the CFM56-5B Performance Improvement Package (PIP) on the A320 family will have a similar impact on values of the Airbus product. The PIP on the engines powering the A320 family became the…

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November 21, 2011
Embraer Re-engining Too Far Off to Affect Existing Values
The larger regional jet market has become the new hunting ground for lessors seeking to increase margins but discussion surrounding the re-engining of the existing Embraer E-Jet product range is unlikely to have any effect on short to medium term residual values. Embraer has been considering developing a larger product…

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November 21, 2011
Rates for Older Turboprops Decline
While the lease rentals of the more modern turboprops remain stable those of the older types have experienced a modest fall due to the combination of age and increasing maintenance. Because of the shorter sector lengths of turboprops, the fuel component of direct operating costs is of a lesser magnitude…

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November 21, 2011
Values of Newer Narrowbodies Still Stable
The change in the narrowbody product line up over the next decade and the economic uncertainty that pervades the Europe and global economy have yet to touch values of new aircraft. Orders continue to be placed and delivery rates increased. While demand exists the question is increasingly one of where…

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November 21, 2011