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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Controversy over Sale Price of Greek A340-300s Reaches European Parliament
The sale of ex-Olympic A340-300s seemingly has the same epic proportions of the Iliad as the price achieved for the four aircraft has now been raised in the European Parliament. The four A340-300ER aircraft were originally delivered in 1998-1999. After the collapse of Olympic the aircraft were put for sale…

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March 12, 2012
B717 Values Stable But At What Cost?
The values of the B7217 may be achieving a measure of stability that is eluding other narrowbodies but this is at the expense of having fallen so far in recent years. The type continues to suffer from marginalization as a consequence of a limiter production run and an operator base…

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March 12, 2012
Lease Rates Stable At Best
Just as the fourth quarter of 2007 was considered to be point at which lease rentals started to falter before the Great Recession, the third quarter of 2011 has become the point at which lease rentals started to weaken once more as the aviation industry connected with the still weak…

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February 27, 2012
A319 and B737-700 Backlogs May Force “On Watch” Status
Virtual Absence of New Orders & Limited Delivery Rates Take Their Toll While orders for the A320 and B737-800 continue to be placed in their hundreds, the demand for the A319 and B737-700 has fallen behind such that values may have to be placed On Watch status. The year 2011…

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February 27, 2012
Winglets and Sharklets Increasingly Used As Baseline Values
The installation of winglets and sharklets, which provide considerable fuel savings and enhanced performance, are becoming used as the baseline for values with non equipped aircraft potentially experiencing a discount in the coming years. The first new build A320 to be fitted with sharklets will be joining the test program…

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February 13, 2012
A321-200 Values Achieve Stability
The impetus for larger aircraft may have passed for the moment but the demand for the A321 is such that values are remaining stable though placing the aircraft via a lease is less easy than for the A320. After a sluggish start and an extended gestation period for a basic…

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February 13, 2012
Disparity between Values & List Prices Remain Highest for New B767-300ERs
The B767-300ER continues to be at the top of the leader board in terms of the differential between values and list prices for new aircraft and the order for three from Air Astana will not likely alter the disparity. Air Astana has ordered three B767-300ERs for delivery between 2013 and…

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February 13, 2012
Parting Out of Older A320s Causes Problems for Values
The values of the older A320s are facing pressures as newer examples continue to displace to such an extent that relatively young aircraft have more value when parted out. Intertrade has acquired an A320 for part out. Serial number 772 was built in 1998 and leased by GECAS to China…

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February 13, 2012