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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
B757 Values Continue to Face Downward Pressures
“Absence of Direct Replacement” No Longer Relevant The values of the B757 continue to fall as a result of a number of adverse pressures not least age and the availability of newer equipment. Production of the B757 ceased nearly a decade ago, not long after the B737-300, yet the type…

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April 23, 2012
Widebody Rentals Stable At Best
Apart from a few notable exceptions, lease rentals of widebodies are considered to have either remained stable or eased downwards. International traffic is not as buoyant as previously which means that demand is failing to cope with the influx of new deliveries. New aircraft are therefore acting as replacement rather…

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April 9, 2012
Values of A340-300 Unmoved by Novel Freighter Converison
The A340-300 market continues to wane not least because of the absence of a freighter conversion program that would have helped to reduce the level of availability as examples are retried from passenger service. A novel freighter conversion modification proposed for the A340 would offer an alternative to parting out.…

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April 9, 2012
Market for Regional Jets Remains Static
The placement of orders for regional jets is perhaps not as buoyant as has been the case but the appetite for the new generation of larger examples is such to allow values to remain stable. In common with most aircraft, the values of the larger regional jets experienced a decline…

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April 9, 2012
A330-300 Values Continue to Remain Stable
In contrast to most widebodies values of the A330-300, at least those built in the last few years, are remaining stable due to sustained demand. Airbus has managed to continue to sell A330-300s at a time when the market was in the depths of recession. At one time, the -300…

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April 9, 2012
B737-500 Values Holding Steady Due to Demand From Russia/Eastern Europe
While the values of the B737 Classic have fallen by a significant amount since the start of the Great Recession in 2008, values are currently holding steady not least due to the demand from Russian and Eastern European operators. The B737-500 had a relatively short production life cycle of only…

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April 9, 2012
Long Term Prospects for B737MAX Residuals Still Uncertain
There may be a myriad of requests for residual values of the B737MAX but such forecasts will need a considerable number of caveats given the impetus for an all new aircraft at the ISTAT conference, the uncertain specification of the new aircraft, and the expectation of long term production by…

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April 9, 2012
Differences in B787 Specification Warrant Different Values
The introduction of so many new technologies and production methods on the B787 was always likely to lead to initial problems but the unforeseen scale of the difficulties such that there are now arrays of different standards, some of which can have a significant impact on values. Launch customers of…

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April 9, 2012