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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Ten Year Old A319s Sold for $15 Million – destined for Part Out
The scrapping of two ten year old A319s raises questions regarding the condition of the aircraft, the state of the market for A319s and whether an assumed 25+ year life for aircraft is still appropriate. Two ex-Cyprus Airways A319s have been acquired by GECAS Asset Management Services for part out…

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May 21, 2012
B737-800 Values Start to Weaken
The B737-800 has managed to retain the crown for so many years and still achieves top billing but as the product life cycle extends and newer versions edge ever nearer values and lease rentals have begun to slip. In late 2007, a 1998 B737-800LGW was worth nearly $33 million. Today…

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May 21, 2012
Freighter Values Experience Material Fall
While there are some indications that the airfreight market is beginning to improve, the reality is that demand is still at odds with capacity and as such values have experienced a material fall over the last few months. The freight load factor remained significantly below 50 percent indicating that demand…

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May 21, 2012
Widebody Values Experience Modest Decline
The values of most widebodies have slipped as a result of weaker market conditions and the off peak season. While the values of the B777-300ER, newer A330-300s and the A380 are managing to hold firm, those of other types are not faring so well. The market for used widebodies has…

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May 7, 2012
A340-500 Values Face A Sustained Decline
At one time the A340-500 seemed to offer the prospect of being a niche rather than a marginalized aircraft as passengers increasingly sought non stop services. However, operators have found that a network is more important than direct services with fare prices becoming an important determinant of demand. The principal…

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May 7, 2012
Asking Prices of Used Airbus Aircraft Becoing More Realistic
Aircraft values have generally fallen over the last six months rather than improved but asking prices continue to be optimistic though there appear to be some bargains for those with the necessary cash. An A300-600RSF converted freighter originally built in 1994 is being offered for sale at $19.5 million. With…

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May 7, 2012
EETCs Re-emerge as Newer Aircraft Are Delivered
Base Values Used in Continental & US Airways EETCs There have been a number of EETC transactions over the course of the last six months and the basis of valuation for the aircraft continues to be an average of three base values. The EETC market has experienced a variety of…

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May 7, 2012
Values of B747-8I Remain Stable as First Unit to Lufthansa is Delivered
The first B747-8I may have been delivered to Lufthansa but in view of the limited number of orders for the type, values have failed to move upwards. At the peak of the market for the preceding B747-400 in 2001, the value of a new example amounted to approximately $150 million.…

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May 7, 2012