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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Kingfisher “Cannabalization” of Aircraft Affects Values
The problems of Kingfisher have seemingly manifested in the cannibalization of aircraft such that the aircraft may need rework before aircraft leased by the operator can be operated once more. There have been reports that parked Kingfisher aircraft are missing components because the airline has used parts from one aircraft…

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November 5, 2012
Residuals of B767-300ER Could Gain from FedEx Interest
The residual value projections for the B767-300ER have been facing downward pressure due to the prospect of accelerated replacement by the B787 once Boeing gears up production of the new type but with FedEx potentially seeking used equipment for conversion, the severity of the fall may be more limited. The…

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November 5, 2012
Values of Early A330-300s Continue to Tail Off
But Values of New Enhanced Versions Continue to Ease Upwards The fortunes of the A330-300 continues to be tale of two halves with earlier, lower weight versions finding placement more difficult with the newer examples remaining sufficiently sought after as to allow new values a measure of improvement. The first…

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November 5, 2012
Asking Prices for Used Airbus Aircraft Largely Realistic
The market for used aircraft older than five years of age remains problematical and as such asking prices should have a sense of realism even if there is an expectation that the net price will be much lower. An A320 built in 1991 has an asking price of $5.5 million…

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October 22, 2012
Values of Ageing Aircraft Remain Irrelevant
Stage 2 or Chapter 2 aircraft are nomenclatures that have little relevance in todays market belonging more to the history books than representing a part of the mainstream fleet. However, the behavior of Stage 2 values is relevant for those that are currently held in high regard. With the re-engining…

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October 22, 2012
Lease Rentals Continue to Falter
The lease rentals of the freighter fleet continue to experience weakness. With the run up to the peak Christmas period comes the potential for increased demand as consumers shop for electronic goods. Unfortunately overall freight traffic remains weak such that long standing freight operators, Southern Air, has filed for Chapter…

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October 22, 2012
B777-200A Values Fail to Live Up to Promise
When launched the initial B777 variant – the -200A - was hailed as a type that would break the usual problems associated with initial examples and be able to enjoy stronger than average residual values but the last few years has seen a rapid decline in values. The values of…

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October 22, 2012
Strong Residual Values for -8I Remain Elusive
The market for the B747-8I, given the 41 orders and seven deliveries, remains much more restricted than Boeing probably envisaged at this stage of the program and as such residual value projections need to remain cautious. In the early 1990s, Boeing and Airbus agreed to collaborate on a joint feasibility…

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October 22, 2012