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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
…..But Values of E-Jets Not Affected By Production Slowdown – Yet
The slowdown in the production of the E-Jets for 2013 has not undermined values of the type but in the event that orders fail to materialize during the period through to the service entry of the re-engined aircraft later this decade, residuals may be impacted. Boeing may be struggling to…

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February 25, 2013
A320 Internet Pricing Shows Lack Luster Pricing for Older Examples
The values of the older A320s continue to face testing times and even asking prices are reflecting the limited opportunities for such aircraft. Asking prices are usually the starting point for negotiations and as such the net price paid will likely be lower. A 1991 A320 has an asking price…

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February 25, 2013
Values of B737-700 Continue to Fall as Unit
While the fading fortunes of the A319 are the focus of attention, the prospects for values of the B737-700 are also under review as a unit is acquired for parting out after seeing less than 15 years service. Serial number 28105 was built in 1998 and was the 66th B737NG…

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February 25, 2013
Scourge of Whitetails Could Create Weakness for B747-8I/8F Values
The negative effect on values of building whitetails has long since passed into folklore but the potential for a revival of the tradition seems possible as Boeing is reportedly struggling to match production efficiencies with demand. The backlog for the B747-8I/-8F is relatively strong. With 39 B747-8Fs and 28 B747-8Is…

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February 25, 2013
Values of B737-500s May Weaken Further As Russian Refuge Falters
The values of -500s have enjoyed relative calm in the last few years due in no small part to the demand from Russia and Eastern Europe but with leases now expiring the fate of the type is less certain. In the last decade the expansion of the airline industry in…

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February 11, 2013
Widebody Values Could Gain From Growth
The expansion of the world economy has the potential to favor the values of the newer widebodies as demand outstrips supply. The international market now encompasses virtually all regions such that the economic recovery will see demand from the newer carriers. There exists considerable potential for international travel as evidenced…

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February 11, 2013
Values of “A330neo” Could Be Compromised Due to Marginalization
The development of the A350 may be progressing but with the expectation that the existing A330 could remain in production for perhaps another ten years, and possibly longer, it is little wonder that there should be some calls for an enhancement to the existing product that go beyond incremental improvement.…

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February 11, 2013
Static A320 Production During Transition Should Aid Values
With Airbus seeking to avoid straining the A320 family supply chain during the transition period through to the production of the A320neo, some of the concern over the effects of “excessive” delivery rates on aircraft values should be alleviated. Airbus now indicates that the production rate for the A320 family…

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February 11, 2013