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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Boeing List Prices Rise by Modest Two Percent
The list prices of Boeing aircraft have risen by a modest 1.9 percent on average between 2012 and 2013 which is nearly half the rise registered for Airbus aircraft earlier in the year. Even though customers do not pay list prices they still represent something of a starting point. There…

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August 26, 2013
Freighter Values Remain Vulnerable
The world economy remains fragile and this inevitably causes problems for demand in terms of new and used freighters as well as conversions. While there is evidence of improvement in some sectors and countries, the strength of the recovery is not sufficiently widespread nor of a magnitude as to see…

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August 26, 2013
Lessors 2Q Net Income Points to Stable & Rising Lease Rentals
The net income results for a number of lessors points to a stable and possibly improving market for lease rentals. Air Lease Corporation reported net income of $51 million on revenues of $208 million for the second quarter of 2013 versus $37 million on $158 million during the same quarter…

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August 26, 2013
Aircraft Market Assessment
Market Presence.  The age and heritage of the A300-600R are clearly evident when compared to newer types. Even the EFIS cockpit, a trademark of Airbus, fails to impress. However, except for newer examples of the same type or the similarly ageing specification of the B767-300, no replacement existed until the…

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August 26, 2013
B747-400 Values Remain Under Pressure as ANA Accelerates Retirement
The acceleration of the retirement of its remaining four B747-400s, albeit -400Ds, by ANA due to high fuel prices underlines the considerable pressures facing the type and the likely continued downward trend in values. The four ANA B747-400Ds are used on domestic routes and the first unit will be retired…

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August 26, 2013
Market Continues to Focus on Larger Aircraft
Lease rentals of regional jets continue to be firm though the smaller aircraft face placement difficulty. Russia has made some changes to legislation that will make it easier for operators to acquire smaller regional jets and turboprops and this region continues to be a source of demand for used equipment,…

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August 26, 2013
Subsequent Upgrade to Weight and Engines Requires Cost/Benefit Analysis
Longer range capability is sought by manufacturers but an ever growing number of operators need capacity rather range and this continues to create considerable differential in values. The B777-200ER is a classic example of where some Asian carriers have needed medium haul capability. Instead of using the higher 656,000lb MTOW…

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August 12, 2013
B777-200ER Values Tumble
There is a growing realization that the -200ER is no longer the desirable asset that it once was. Values are therefore experiencing a notable decline. The virtual absence of orders for the B777-200ER at a time when the A330-300 is securing such a large number points to a type that…

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August 12, 2013