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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Changing Product Line Has No Effect on Rentals
Despite the change in the product line up by the end of the decade, values are not experiencing too many problems. Values are in Millions of US Dollars and are based on The Aircraft Value Reference published by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company An Aircraft Rating has been…

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June 30, 2014
B777-300ER Stable In Wake of B777X Launch
The values of the B777-300ER, after experiencing sustained increases, are now expected to stabilize as the development of the B777X progresses. The -300ER has established itself as the most desirable of widebodies, aided of course by the high price of fuel and the absence of alternatives. The twin-engined design coincided…

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June 30, 2014
A Great Time to be a Turboprop Lessor
If there was ever a time to be a lessor of turboprops this is it. Lease rentals of the more modern turboprops – including those built in the 1980s – are in demand from a wide range of operators. The market for the turboprop operating lease continues to expand as…

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June 16, 2014
Values & Rentals of A320 & B737-800 Exhibit Ten Percent Differential
The differential in values and lease rentals between the A320 and B737-800 continues to persist despite the recent improvement in A320 rates. The lease rentals of the A320 have enjoyed an improvement over the course of the last year though those for the older examples remain persistently low. The lease…

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June 16, 2014
Stagnating New Values Change Residual Dynamics
With the value of new aircraft increasing by only a modest amount over the course of the last 15 years, residual value methodologies have changed to take account of changing market dynamics. During the 1970s and early 1980s, the manufacturers enjoyed the ability to increase prices by the rate of…

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June 16, 2014
No Respite for B747-8I Values
The values of the -8I continue to fail to impress not least due to the limited of orders and contracting backlog. After the B747X program, Boeing continued to study improvements to the B747. The B747-400XQLR (Quiet Long Range) was meant to have an increased range of 7,980 nm (14,780 km),…

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June 16, 2014
Values Continue to Reflect Strong Market
Such is the demand for the aircraft that there sometimes exists The price stated on an invoice which is sometimes used to justify a particular value will not necessarily include all the factors. The net invoiced price may include pilot training – perhaps amounting to one to two percent of…

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June 16, 2014
A320neo Family Weights Enables Greater Value Accuracy
With the service entry of the A320neo edging closer there is an ever greater need for values to reflect aircraft specifics rather than the generic. Airbus has revealed the range of weights that will apply to the new A320neo family. Generally, values of higher weight aircraft, powered by higher thrust…

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June 16, 2014