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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Values of Used A380s Decline in Line With Expectations
The values of the A380 are starting to decline though the level of deterioration is in line with expectations and on a par to most other widebodies at this stage of the product life cycle. Establishing a market value for the A380 is a theoretical exercise in view of the…

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December 1, 2014
B767-300F Values Achieve Stability
The values of the B767-300F are managing to achieve a measure of stability after experiencing a decline during the recent recession. Due to the operating economics of airfreight, new freighters are something of a rarity, being launched after the passenger program has reached a certain level of maturity, offering major…

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December 1, 2014
Peak for Existing Products Despite Backlog
While there are thousands of aircraft on backlog, the transition to the product lines are keeping values realistic. The smaller backlog of 2006-2007 caused values to climb to new heights largely because production rates were of a lesser magnitude and due to a stable product line up. Today manufacturers are…

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December 1, 2014
New Narrowbody Has No Impact on Long Term Residuals - Yet
Residual forecasts for the B737MAX, due to enter service around 2017, are only now being calculated but Boeing is already indicating that a replacement is being planned for circa 2030 due to the pressure from emerging manufacturers in China and elsewhere. The CEO of Boeing, Jim McNerney, reportedly indicated in…

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November 17, 2014
Strong Results for Lessors Point to Resilient Lease Rentals
The rationale for the almost weekly formation new lessors continues is centered on a business model that allows for exceptional rates of return when compared to other asset classes. While in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007-2008 rates faltered, rentals have since recovered and for most modern types…

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November 17, 2014
A340-500 Values Experience Convergence
The issue of value convergence eventually affects all aircraft and for the A340-500 this has come perhaps sooner than most. Value Convergence is evident when values of the youngest converge on the oldest with the latter falling less quickly than the former. While values are normally inherently dependent on the…

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November 17, 2014
Lease Rentals Stable for Most RJs
The lease rentals of the regional jets are experiencing a measure of stability after receding from recent peaks. The issue of lower interest rates and reduced inflationary pressures are likely to play a role in reducing any upward pressure in lease rentals. The lease rentals of the older regional jets…

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November 17, 2014
Freighter Values Fail to Advance
With so much capacity in the market exemplified by low load factors and given that there remain a large number of freighters parked, it is little wonder that values are failing to match the modest improvement in airfreight traffic. The fall in the price of fuel will provide the opportunity…

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November 17, 2014