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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Pricing of Boeing Equipment Still Above Values
The asking prices of some Boeing aircraft still seem to be optimistic compared to indicated values even if quality equipment is in demand. Early B737-200ADVs are still on the market priced at less than $1 million. A 1984 example. One of the last to be built, is priced at $370,000.…

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February 23, 2015
Values of Used Turboprops Remain Strong
The lower price of fuel has done nothing to quell the demand for used turboprops and indeed for new examples. Lower fuel prices generally mean that jets become more efficient over shorter sector lengths but operators cannot build their fleet plans around a temporary fall in jet fuel pricing. The…

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February 23, 2015
No Reprieve for B767-300ER Values
The fall in the price of fuel should provide some temporary solace for out of production widebodies but the B767-300ER has already been reprieved in previous years. Though the price of oil continues to fluctuate it remains sufficiently low as to potentially allow operators to contemplate taking advantage of lease…

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February 9, 2015
Mid Life Aircraft Rentals Edge Down
While there continues to be exceptional demand for narrowbodies the mid life aircraft (MLA) are available in greater numbers which is perhaps seeing a slight drop in rentals, albeit compounded by the prospect of lower interest rates for longer than previously expected. or Rates are quoted in thousands…

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February 9, 2015
Turboprop Values Remain Stable Despite Fall in Price of Fuel
The values of turboprops continue to remain stable despite the fall in the price of oil with even a large order for the 50 seat ATR42-600 being suggested. The year 2014 proved to be another boom year for ATR. ATR saw orders for 160 aircraft compared to 83 deliveries. In…

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February 9, 2015
Lease Rates Seek To Avoid Airline Fragility
The problems being experienced by the Russian airlines coupled with the vulnerability of some other airlines has the potential to lead the less experienced lessors to place aircraft at lower rates as a means of simply securing placement. The growth in the leasing of aircraft has been mostly fuelled in…

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February 9, 2015
Aircraft in Storage Continue to Warrant Significant Discounts
The number of 50 seat regional jets in storage runs into hundreds representing a major portion of the fleet and inevitably values continue to be affected by such an excess. The number of CRJ100/200s in storage is approximately 200 with some suggestions that as many as 250 are parked. With…

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February 9, 2015
A340-300 Values Achieve Measure of Stability
The fall in the price of fuel has played an important part of forestalling any further sharp decline in values of the A340-300. Indeed operators are actually seeking out units. The four engined configuration for medium sized widebodies had been overtaken by events such that values of existing units have…

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February 9, 2015