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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Behaviour of B777-300ER Rentals Continuing Downward trend
The lease rentals of the B777-300ER have performed well since being introduced into service but with the development of the B777X comes the prospect of lower rates. The B777-300ER has been in service for more than a decade and as many leasing deals are based on 10-12 year terms for…

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September 7, 2015
Values Decline as Number of B767-300ERs in Storage Rises
Despite the lower price of fuel which should favor used aircraft the fortunes of the B767-300ER continue to deteriorate with both values and lease rates continuing to fall as the number of examples in storage increases to represent an excess. There have been 583 B767-300ER orders since 1988, all of…

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August 24, 2015
Lease Rentals Holding Steady As Lessors Report Double Digit Income
The progression towards the majority of the world’s jet fleet being leased continues buoyed by extremely good returns from many lessors. The second quarter results posted by a myriad of major lessors continues to demonstrate why leasing is so attractive for those seeking high returns. The ability of lessors to…

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August 24, 2015
US $1.50 per gallon Fuel Price Continues to Bolster Net Pricing of New Aircraft
The price of fuel continues to remain at low levels amid growing supply and falling demand but even the low price of fuel has not helped some airlines, both large and small, registering significant losses, resulting in fleet contractions and new aircraft acting as replacement rather than growth capacity. As…

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August 24, 2015
Values Continue to Fall for Most Widebodies
Apart from the B787 and A350 values of nearly all widebodies have fallen as the market continues to prefer newer aircraft types. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value Analysis Company, The Aircraft Value Analysis Rating (AVAR) reflects the considered suitability for asset based financing over a…

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August 24, 2015
Delta B737-900ER EETC Sees Modest Variation in Base Values
Delta in issuing Enhanced Equipment Trust Certificates (EETCs) for 15 B737-900ERs secured base value appraisals from three appraisers showed a ten percent variance between the highest and lowest being on average slightly higher than market values. The 15 aircraft comprised B737-900ERs delivered in late 2013 and early 2014. The aircraft…

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August 24, 2015
Risk of Interest Rate Rise Falls as China Devalues
With falling unemployment in some countries and the need to wean the market off historically low interest rates, there has been mounting pressure for an increase but with the devaluation of th Yuan by China there will be a reluctance to further strengthen exchange rates. The lesser need to increase…

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August 24, 2015
B787-8 Secures Credibility
While the initial premium for the first off the line has evaporated, those units delivered thereafter are gaining from the much improved reliability and production enhancements such that values are rising for new aircraft. As expected the delay to the service entry of the type combined with specification differences has…

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August 24, 2015