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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B737-900ER
Market Presence. As a member of the B737NG family the fate of the -900ER is somewhat assured. The use of extra fuel tanks provides the range while the extra exits offers operators the necessary capacity to compensate for the higher weight - and cost. The extra tanks, which can be…

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September 25, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B767-300ER
Market Presence. The B767-300ER presented the operating leasing community with the ideal tool with which to enter the widebody operating lease arena. Throughout the 1990s and then again in the last decade, the B767-300ER enjoyed considerable success but then fell victim to the usual problem of lengthy production and market…

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September 25, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment: ERJ145
Market Presence. Part of the structure of the ERJ145 can be traced to the successful EMB120 Brasilia. The airframe is therefore something of a known quantity in terms of being able to cope with the short sector lengths. The ability of the regional jets to offer a similar service life…

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September 25, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B747-200B
Market Presence. When comparing the B747-200B and A380, the chasm in terms of technology becomes all too evident. The three person flight deck; clockwork instrumentation; 1950s vintage structure (the B747 fuselage is a derivative of the B707); comparatively basic interior (though carriers Virgin spent millions on presenting the most modern…

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September 25, 2015
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B737-700
Market Presence. The B737-700 is endemic but not so popular as other types. Almost taken for granted, the B737-700 has secured some 1,271 orders versus 1,513 of two years ago of which over 1,092 have been delivered. However the -800 continues to be the most popular with nearly 4,224 orders.…

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September 25, 2015
Values of Larger Used Widebodies Continue to Decline
Values of the larger used widebodies are continuing to fall despite record backlogs, high load factors and lower fuel prices and this rate of decline is expected to accelerate in the coming years as the preference for newer, more versatile and economic aircraft increases. Demand patterns for larger widebodies have…

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September 21, 2015
Values of “Five Year Old” Aircraft Worth Less Today Than 2010
In assessing the performance of aircraft as assets the overall trend for both widebodies and narrowbodies shows a decline though in terms of lease rentals the differential is of lesser significance. In 2010 the value of a five year old A320 – ie an A320 delivered in 2005 – was…

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September 21, 2015
Transaero Takeover Not Likely To Impact Values in Isolation
The takeover of Transaero by Aeroflot was perhaps inevitable though the consolidation of the two large fleets is not expected to have a major impact on the values of any specific aircraft type. Gone are the days when the fortunes of a single carrier can alter values in the short…

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September 21, 2015