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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The -300 has been in service for 18 years and as such it is little wonder that the first unit has been scrapped. The limited range of the -300, at least with respect to the capability of most other current widebodies, makes it suited to the needs of…

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October 31, 2016
A320neo and B737MAX Still Warrant Premium Despite Fall in Fuel Price
The premium attributed to the A320neo and B737MAX over existing products continues to remain valid even if the amount has declined slightly. There has been considerable speculation that due to the fall in the price of fuel then both lease rentals and values warrant a lesser premium over existing products.…

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October 31, 2016
Capacity of B777-300 Fails to Halt Fall in Values
The -300 has considerable capacity but lacks the range of the -300ER and as such values are continuing to fall. The operator base has always been limited with only 60 ever having been built. A -300 has recently been lost as a result of a crash at Dubai and a…

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October 31, 2016
CSeries Pricing Under Scrutiny As Another $1 Billion Funding Sought
The pricing being offered to customers continues to be under scrutiny as Embraer reportedly considers making a complaint to the World Trade Organization (WTO) regarding the effect of investment from regional and federal entities. Embraer are concerned that a $1 billion investment made by the Quebec administration allowed Bombardier to…

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October 31, 2016
A380 Values Face Tough Time
The values of used A380s are experiencing difficult times partly as a result of the SIA decision to hand back a very early example to its lessor but also as a result of the cutback in production and limited advancement of the orderbook. The decision by SIA to handback serial…

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October 31, 2016
Another Gulfstream Product Ends Production – The G450
Production of the G450 is to cease by 2018 in favor of the all new G500 with pricing of the former having all but collapsed in the last few years. The G450 has been a success in terms of production to date with more than 350 in service since first…

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October 31, 2016
Traffic Still Above Trend But Values Fail to Rise
Transition to New Types Will Also Constrain Values Through to End of Decade The latest result from IATA for passenger traffic continues to show growth above the long term trend but values for both new and used aircraft over the last twelve months have failed to increase. Values and lease…

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October 17, 2016
Utilization Adjustment Can Result in 20 Percent Value Difference
There are many quantifiable factors that impact the value of an aircraft but the of utilization remains somewhat subjective. The effect of a differing maintenance status on the value of an aircraft can be significant and as a proportion of the value increases over time. For a ten year old…

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October 17, 2016