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Aircraft Archive: Airbus AIRCRAFT
Widebody Rentals Vulnerable But Steady
The airfreight market continues to experience low load factors and fragile yields but traffic for September showed some promise. While the airfreight market continues to remain fragile, there are at least indications of a modest improvement in recent months which has gone some way to alleviating the downward pressure on…

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November 14, 2016
No Respite for B737-500 Values
With some 50 percent of the fleet either in storage or having been scrapped, values of the -500 have continued to decline at a rapid rate. The oldest B737-500 is only 26 years of age with a fleet average of around 20 years. Yet of the 389 that have been…

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November 14, 2016
A320neo Residual Values Set to Achieve Parity With B737MAX8
Despite the hiatus of deliveries, values of the A320neo are nudging ever closer to those of the B737MAX8. The values of the A320 have historically lagged behind those of the B737-800. The difference in value between the A320ceo and the B737-800 is approximately $4 million with the former being $44.5…

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November 14, 2016
Scrap Values Come to Fore Particularly for Widebodies
While the overall market – and market sentiment – remains reasonably optimistic, there exists sufficient concern as to prompt ever greater interest in seeking to establish the scrap value both now and in the future. There are two parting out values. The first parting out value is the price that…

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November 14, 2016
Apollo Cites Difficulties In Acquring B777-200ERs for Onward Lease
The liquidity – or apparent lack of it - of the B777-200ER and -300 market continues to make it difficult for the lessors to participate, particularly in terms of acquiring aircraft for onward lease thereby impacting values according to Apollo Aviation. Apollo Aviation has been seeking to become more involved…

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October 31, 2016
Aircraft Asset Assessment
Market Presence. The -300 has been in service for 18 years and as such it is little wonder that the first unit has been scrapped. The limited range of the -300, at least with respect to the capability of most other current widebodies, makes it suited to the needs of…

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October 31, 2016
A320neo and B737MAX Still Warrant Premium Despite Fall in Fuel Price
The premium attributed to the A320neo and B737MAX over existing products continues to remain valid even if the amount has declined slightly. There has been considerable speculation that due to the fall in the price of fuel then both lease rentals and values warrant a lesser premium over existing products.…

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October 31, 2016
Capacity of B777-300 Fails to Halt Fall in Values
The -300 has considerable capacity but lacks the range of the -300ER and as such values are continuing to fall. The operator base has always been limited with only 60 ever having been built. A -300 has recently been lost as a result of a crash at Dubai and a…

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October 31, 2016