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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Long Term B777-300ER Residuals Start Review Process
Last Remaining Part of Boeing Product Line-Up Now Under Spotlight Now that the fate of the B737 has been established with the B737MAX, the last remaining part of the Boeing product line up that needs some updating is the B777-300ER and with the type being the most popular of widebodies…

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September 26, 2011
Widebody Rentals Keep Steady
The lease rentals of widebodies are continuing to achieve a measure of stability despite some concerns over the strength of high yielding traffic in the context of a still fragile global economy. The lease rentals of most widebodies have managed to improve over the course of the last eighteen months…

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September 26, 2011
B747-400 Values Continue to Face Weakness
The values of the B747-400 enjoyed a measure of recovery in the twelve month period through to January this year but have since exhibited a slight decline as operators focus on newer types that more match demand patterns. The development of the B747-8, albeit still to enter service, finally draws…

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September 26, 2011
Certification of B747-8F Fails to Inspire Values
The long awaited certification of the B747-8F by the FAA and EASA has at last taken place but values continue to be fortunate to exceed $185 million. The delay to the B747-8F, coming after the debacle of the B787, represented a major embarrassment for Boeing. The aircraft has been delayed…

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August 29, 2011
Widebody Values At The Vanguard
Despite the problems associated with the Japanese market, the overall demand for widebodies remains sufficiently strong as to allow values of some types to register a further slight improvement. The events in Japan, North Africa and the Levant are taking their toll on operators who are being forced to disperse…

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August 1, 2011
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values of Some Aircraft Stage Modest Recovery Values of some aircraft are continuing to experience falls as operators still seek to cope with variable traffic, reduced yields and high fuel prices. While there are some positive signs with respect to the world economy the events in Japan and the problems…

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July 4, 2011
“High Residual” Values of A320 Blamed for A320 P2F Cancellation
Higher Than Expected Conversion Cost Could Also Contribute to Decision The cancellation of the A320 Passenger to Freighter (P2F) conversion program, at least in its current form, will have consequences for residual values of the type in the medium term even if “high” current values are cited as the reason…

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June 20, 2011
Widebody Rentals Stable
The need to redistribute widebody capacity in the wake of various events, not least those in Japan and the latest involving ash clouds, has taken the edge of the improvement in international traffic. However, whatever the fragility of the market there can be no denying the sustained interest in international…

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June 20, 2011