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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Widebody Values Continue to Achieve Stable
The widebody market is facing more uncertainty due to the concern over whether the high yielding passenger will continue to fly with such frequency. While the economy passenger may pay the fuel and flight crew salaries for the long haul operator, it is the business class passenger who pays for…

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January 30, 2012
Cost of Widebody Interiors Continues to Be Concern for Values
More than ever the cost of the interior is representing a greater proportion of the initial purchase price and causing problems for the remarketing of used aircraft. The cost of an average interior encompassing the Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) for a B777-300ER approximates $14 million including overhead crew rest areas.…

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January 16, 2012
A330 Conversion Program Would Likely Aid Medium Term Values
The seeming delay to the development of an A330 conversion program by Airbus is understandable in the context of strong demand for the type and associated high values of passenger aircraft but such a modification would likely aid values in the medium term by constraining levels of availability. With demand…

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December 5, 2011
Dubai Focus on New Aircraft Obscures Parting Out of Older Types
The Dubai air show has become nearly as much a forum for the placement of new orders as Paris or Farnborough and the venue has clearly demonstrated the preference for newer equipment at a time when older types continue to be parted out. The Dubai air show saw a massive…

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December 5, 2011
Widebody Rentals Remain Stable
The widebody sector is beginning to show signs of connection with the wider economic malaise which results in part from the lack of decision action from the leaders of the Eurozone. The lease rentals of most widebodies previously managed to improve over the course of the last eighteen months largely…

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December 5, 2011
Service Entry of First B787 Allows Values to Stabilize
The service entry of the first B787-8 may have taken place but Boeing still has some way to go to recoup the value premium that has been lost due to the delays to the program and continual need for modifications. Before the delays to the B787 took hold, the values…

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November 7, 2011
Values of B777Fs Remain Stable
While the airfreight sector begins to appreciate that the weakness of the global economy will continue to place pressure on yields as traffic stagnates, the sustained appetite for the B777F is notable as is the ability of values to resist the downward pressure that is affecting so many other freighter…

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October 24, 2011
B747-400 Values Continue to Fall
Preference for Alternatives Will Prevent Any Recovery in Values The values and lease rentals of the B747-400 have experienced a notable fall in recent months as the market continues to face adverse pressure and operators seek more modern equipment. The values of the B747-400 have experienced a variety of fortunes…

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October 10, 2011