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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Lower Demand & Pricing Force Scrapping of “Current” Generation Aircraft
The move towards newer aircraft at the expense of relatively modern aircraft continues apace as a result of lower pricing for what only a few years ago were considered prime assets. The values attributed to some aircraft are at odds with the imperatives felt by some owners. A third ex-Lufthansa…

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August 13, 2012
Most Widebody Values Decline
While the values of some widebodies remain stable, there are a number that continue to face falls. The older widebodies are most at risk from the fall in values as operators continue to move to newer types. The values of the B777-300ER and A330-300, rather than rising as has been…

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July 30, 2012
A380 Values Remain Firm
While the market continues to suffer from weakness that is sapping the values of most aircraft, the demand for the A380 remains strong enough for values to remain unchanged. The A380, renamed from the A3XX, was launched in December 2000 on the basis of 50 orders from six customers. Initial…

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July 16, 2012
Residuals of B737MAX Begin to Take Shape as ALC Orders 75
The placement of the first major order from a leasing company for the B737MAX makes it increasingly necessary to start producing residual values for the type even if service entry of the first unit is still some five years away. There has been a reluctance to introduce residual values for…

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July 16, 2012
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
Values Continue to Experience Modest Falls As Market Remains Weak Values of some aircraft are continuing to experience falls as operators still seek to cope with variable traffic, reduced yields and fluctuating fuel prices. The world economy and the problems of ever more European countries will likely cause further uncertainty.…

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July 2, 2012
Most Widebody Rentals Steady
The lease rentals of the majority of widebodies, perhaps contrasting with that of the narrowbody sector, are largely remaining steady as a result of still reasonable demand and lesser competition among lessors. International traffic is performing better than some domestic and intra-regional flows. New aircraft are still acting as replacements…

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June 18, 2012
A380 Wing Problem Cost “$3 million” Per Aircraft But Values Not Affected
The values of the A380 have not been impacted by the wing problem although the event coming so soon after the uncontained engine failure involving the Qantas aircraft may be have a negative cumulative effect should other major problems occur in the short term. All new aircraft experience teething problems…

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June 4, 2012
Asking Prices of Used Boeing Aircraft Exhibit Considerable Range
The used market continues to face difficulties at least in terms of achieving appraised values on a regular basis but at least asking prices show some optimism. The asking prices for the B727 and B737-200ADV are varied given the difference in age and condition. A 1978 B737-200ADV has an asking…

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May 21, 2012