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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Opportunity For B747-8I Values to Improve Due to Scarce A380 Delivery Slots
The market for the B747-8I can best be characterized as uncertain due to the limited number of order coming at a time when Airbus is struggling to meet the delivery expectations of its customers. There have been only 41 orders for the B747-8I to date comprising five from Air China,…

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December 17, 2012
B747-400 Values Face Weakness
Displacement by Twins & High Fuel Prices Causes Further Problems The values of the B747-400 continue to fall as the market increasingly focusses on newer aircraft types, specifically the A380 and B777-300ER. The last few years has seen a notable decline in the demand for used B747-400s even to the…

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December 3, 2012
A340-500 & B777-200LR Values Fail to Deliver
Ultra-Long Haul Market Moves from Niche to Marginalized The trade-in of five A340-500s by Singapore Airlines, as part of a deal that involves the ordering of five more A380s and 20 A350s, is likely to cause more problems for the values of the ultra-long haul A350-500 and B777-200LR aircraft. The…

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November 19, 2012
Widebody Values Feel The Chill of Winter
While the values of new A330-300s, A380s and B777-300ERs are managing to achieve an upturn trend most other widebodies are experiencing modest weakness. The international market continues to have some success but overall values of used aircraft are falling. The older widebodies are most at risk from the fall in…

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November 5, 2012
Preliminary Values of CSeries Holding Steady As Prototype Takes Shape
The theoretical values of the CSeries continue to remain stable as the aircraft moves into the final stage of assembly but there continues to be a concern whether the first batch of production aircraft will be of a lesser specification than those produced at a later point. The experience of…

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November 5, 2012
Strong Residual Values for -8I Remain Elusive
The market for the B747-8I, given the 41 orders and seven deliveries, remains much more restricted than Boeing probably envisaged at this stage of the program and as such residual value projections need to remain cautious. In the early 1990s, Boeing and Airbus agreed to collaborate on a joint feasibility…

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October 22, 2012
Widebody Rentals Edge Down
The lease rentals of widebodies may have resisted the downward pressure that has affected most narrowbodies but now the impact of weaker global conditions is being more keenly felt by virtually all types. New orders continue to be placed largely because financing is available for such aircraft. Also the newer…

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October 8, 2012
Initial B787 Values Fail to Realize Potential
The values of the B787 attracted a sizeable premium prior to service entry but that has now eroded as delays and specification changes have come to the fore. In a few years’ time, the delay to the service entry of the type combined with specification differences will be largely forgotten…

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October 8, 2012