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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Residual Values Today Take Heed of Events Not Expexcted 20 Years Ago
Residual values for aircraft are regularly being forecast ten, fifteen, twenty five years into the future and are increasingly needing to seek to encompass changing market conditions rather than merely extrapolate from the current market. In 1995 market forecasts relating to residual values for 2014 failed to anticipate major changes…

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September 22, 2014
Boeing List Prices for 2014 Rise by Modest Three Percent
The list prices published by Boeing for 2014 have risen by more than consumer inflation but are in line with the rise in net prices for aircraft delivered this year when compared to similar aircraft delivered last year. The average rise indicated by Boeing amounted to 3.1 percent with the…

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August 11, 2014
Consequences of “Over Ordering” Yet to be Proven
There continues to be concern in some areas that the near 1,000 commitments placed by customers at Farnborough has the potential to contribute to the perceived “bubble” thereby potentially undermining values and lease rentals should there be an M Event resulting in large scale cancellations. In 1991 a major securities…

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July 28, 2014
Some Widebody Values Falter But Few Improve
The market for older widebodies remains difficult not only because of the arrival of ever more new examples but also because the market continues to undergo structural change. The changes involve introducing new longer sectors or increasing capacity on existing routes. The need to offer modern passenger amenities and to…

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July 28, 2014
Medium Term A380 Residuals Unphased by -900 or -800neo
Discussions surrounding the potential for a larger version of the A380 and/or the re-engining of the existing -800 have not thus far impacted residual value forecasts for the A380. Ever since the A380-800 was launched there has speculation that a larger variant would emerge. Indeed, the engine manufacturers may have…

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June 30, 2014
Realistic Rentals for New Widebodies
While the world of sale and leasebacks continue to sometimes see high rentals, rentals for aircraft on vanilla operating leases are remaining firmly rooted in reality. There is little doubt that the demand for widebodies remains strong, at least for the newer aircraft types. The older types are becoming less…

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June 30, 2014
No Respite for B747-8I Values
The values of the -8I continue to fail to impress not least due to the limited of orders and contracting backlog. After the B747X program, Boeing continued to study improvements to the B747. The B747-400XQLR (Quiet Long Range) was meant to have an increased range of 7,980 nm (14,780 km),…

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June 16, 2014
Aircraft Asset Assessment: B747-8I
Market Presence. The development of the B747-8I improves the operating economics of the type. Airbus indicates that the A380 currently offers a 15-20 percent efficiency improvement over the B747-400. The larger -8I makes the differential much more marginal. Indeed Boeing cites that the trip cost of the -8I over the…

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June 16, 2014