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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Record Orders Fail to Advance Values
Even though Boeing had a good year for widebody orders – Airbus less so – and deliveries are increasing there is a sense that any rise in values needs to be seen in the context of lower fuel prices, at least temporarily. Values and Ratings courtesy of The Aircraft Value…

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February 9, 2015
Airbus List Prices for 2015 Rise by 3.3%
Airbus list prices for 2015 show a rise of nearly 3.3 percent across all aircraft types but the difficulty will be in translating this rise into net base pricing for new orders and in achieving an increase in profitability. The rise in list prices quoted by Airbus are largely an…

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January 26, 2015
B747-8F Values Continue to Decline As Fuel Prices Tumble
Even the potential order for three more B747-8Fs from Silk Way Airlines cannot disguise the difficulties facing the B747-8. Production rates of the B747-8 have fallen to virtually uneconomic levels. In 2014 only 19 were delivered, representing less than two per month. Suppliers of components for the B747-8 cannot be…

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January 26, 2015
Lease Rentals Remain Steady
With the older widebodies the second, third and fourth lease rental periods need to represent the majority of the profit and revenue with little reliance on the residual value but for the newer widebodies then there can be greater flexibility in lease rentals. With the fall in the price of…

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December 15, 2014
Values of Used A380s Decline in Line With Expectations
The values of the A380 are starting to decline though the level of deterioration is in line with expectations and on a par to most other widebodies at this stage of the product life cycle. Establishing a market value for the A380 is a theoretical exercise in view of the…

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December 1, 2014
Impact of New Aircraft Starts to be Felt
With the planned reduction in A330 production due to the transition to the A330neo and the expectation of a similar change in rates for the B777 should new orders for the -300ER fail to materialize, then values of aircraft delivered in the final years of the respective programs are showing…

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November 3, 2014
“Value” of BFE Essential Part of Widebody Equation
The value versus cost of the Buyer Furnished Equipment (BFE) is increasingly being viewed as a separate item from the rest of the airframe by financial institutions, specifically when considering the larger widebodies such as the B777-300ER and A380. BFE and Specification Changes Notices (SCNs) are the two sets of…

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October 20, 2014
Lease Rentals Peak
The lease rentals of widebodies continue to exhibit stability but there is an expectation that they have reached their peak and are now on a plateau. A material upward shift in lease rentals could occur but only likely as a result of a rise in interest rates. A multitude of…

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October 6, 2014