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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Market Stability Should See Correlation Between Base & Market Values
With the market having experienced a sustained period of stability, any differential between theoretical Base and Market values should now be marginal. In using Current Market Values – where values seek to reflect a measure of trading activity - there should be relatively close correlation between appraisers. Inevitably, there can…

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September 5, 2016
Rentals Continue to be Competitive
The lease rentals of newer aircraft continue to be competitive in the face of transitioning issues and new deliveries but any substantive weakness is confined to known issues with a handful of types. Sale and leaseback transactions, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of new aircraft deliveries, continue to involve…

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August 22, 2016
Widebody Production Cuts Help to Balance Values
The values of some widebodies are facing difficult times either because of a transition through to new types, the ending of production, or over supply and Airbus and Boeing are seemingly seeking to more balance demand with supply rather than seek to sell more at ever lower prices which should…

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August 22, 2016
Ending of B747-8 Likely to Fail to Generate “Scarcity” Premium
Following on the heels of the A380 production cut, Boeing has indicated that production of the B747-8 could actually be ended raising the question of how values of those in service would be impacted. Boeing had previously planned to increase production once more to one per month as of 2019.…

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August 22, 2016
Long Term Residuals Start to Compensate for New Projects
This decade has all the attributes to be the most unique in terms of aircraft products but the next 20 years will also see momentous changes which require to be incorporated into current residual value forecasts. During the ten years of this decade, virtually the entire product line will have…

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May 30, 2016
Airliner Type Business Jet Values Vary
The airliner size segment of the business jet market has fortunately been able to sidestep the vagaries of the wider market due to owners having sufficient resources to continue financing aircraft from internal resources or possessing the necessary creditworthiness. The airliner type market has been in existence for many years.…

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May 16, 2016
Rentals Continue to Slip for Older Widebodies
The lease rentals of the older widebodies continue to fall not lease as a means of placing the type in a market that is continuing to be dominated by the delivery of new examples. Sale and leaseback transactions, which constitute an increasingly large proportion of new aircraft deliveries, continue to…

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May 2, 2016
Out of Production Aircraft Have Only One Chance Of Recovery
The traditional adage that the values of out of production aircraft have only one opportunity to recover holds true as values of the B777-200ER continue to fall, a fate will likely befall other types. The virtual rollover of the entire product line during the course of this decade means that…

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April 18, 2016