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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A380
Waning Backlog, Production Rate, Order Intake Portent of Weakness
Values Falter When Backlog Falls to 15% of Orderbook, Production Falls by 50% Aircraft values are affected by a multitude of sometimes disparate factors but the fall in production rates, a hiatus in order placements and the contraction of the backlog represent key turning points for values and usually signal…

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November 13, 2017
B747-400 Lease Rentals Continue to Fall As Operators Divest
The lease rentals of the B747-400 are a shadow of their former levels which is no surprise in view of the divesting from long term operators and the lack of attraction among second and third tier operators. Introduced in 1989, the oldest passenger B747-400 is now nearly 30 years of…

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November 13, 2017
A330-900 Flies As Values Edge Downwards
No Values for A330-800 As Only Order Under Threat The first flight of A330-900 took place on the 19th October although values of the type may take some time to validate. While the arrival of the re-engined A320neo and B737MAX seemed to herald a new era for the narrowbody segment…

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October 30, 2017
B777-9 Values Need to be Realistic
Long Term Residuals of Large Widebodies can be Weaker than Average With the first B777-9 due to be delivered in just over two years’ time, attention is now turning to current and future values of the type but the behavior of previous and existing large widebodies suggests that a measure…

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October 16, 2017
Some Widebody Rentals Remain Under Pressure
With still above trend traffic growth even in the international arena there may be an expectation that lease rentals would remain stable but for the larger widebodies in particular, the relative strength of lease rentals is not dependent on traffic growth alone. Major influences impacting widebody lease include the arrival…

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October 2, 2017
A350-1000 Orderbook Reduction Yet to Impact Values
United & Cathay Switch Orders to -900 The high-profile switch of orders from the A350-1000 to the smaller -900 by two primary customers represents a cause for concern with regard to values of the former if no new orders are forthcoming and if other customers undertake similar changes. United Airlines…

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October 2, 2017
Length of Lease Continues to Influence Impact Rentals
The LRM (Lease Rental Matrix), which determines the average lease length and the adjustment to quoted lease rentals to reflect longer or shorter terms, has seen an extension to average terms as demand continues to outstrip supply but the last six months has not seen any significant change. A long…

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September 4, 2017
Airliner VVIPs Perform Best
The airliner VVIP market has perhaps gained ever more attraction as the high net worth individuals value time and convenience with the scarcity of such aircraft offering risk and reward for buyer and seller alike. Usually a limited operator basis is usually seen as a negative, for the airliner type…

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September 4, 2017