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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A340-600
Widebody Lease Rates Show Stability
The widebody market continues to improve with the demand for newer widebodies consistent thus allowing lease rentals to remain stable. The fragility of the world economy and the exposure of so many financial institutions to uncertain debts continues to make it difficult for lease rentals to experience a significant rise.…

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July 5, 2010
No Stopping Decline in A340-300 Values
The recovery of the world economic order is not unfortunately benefiting the values of the A340-300. The four engined configuration for medium sized widebodies has been overtaken by events such that values of existing units have been exposed by the high price of fuel. However, the differential in capital and…

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May 24, 2010
Widebody Lease Rates Achieve Stagnation
Usually the term of stagnation confers negative connotations on an aircraft type. However, in the context of the torrid market conditions stagnation is positive, potentially signaling the start of an improvement in fortunes. The market for newer widebodies is improving although yet again there continues to be concern over the…

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April 12, 2010
B777-300ER Continues to be Widebody of Choice
Despite the many adverse pressures affecting the market, the -300ER has established itself as the most desirable of widebodies, aided of course by the high price of fuel. B777-300ER Vital Statistics LAUNCH 03/2000 STANDARD MTOW 750,000lbs LIST PRICE (2008) $257-286.5m FIRST FLIGHT 02/2003 OPTIONAL MTOW 775,000lbs TYPICAL DISCOUNT 46% SERVICE…

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February 15, 2010
The B777-300ER
Market Presence. The size of the twin engined -300ER is such that it essentially replaces the B747-200 and indeed offers an alternative to the -400. The twin engine configuration presents the market with previously unimagined power and operating efficiency. The ability to extract ever higher thrust ratings from two engines…

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February 15, 2010
6 Percent Rise In List Prices Contrasts With Falling Net Prices
First List Price Rise in Two Years The near six percent rise in Airbus list prices between 2008 and 2010 contrasts sharply with low rates of consumer inflation and further distances list prices from net prices. After hiking list prices between 2007 and 2008 by nearly five percent in response…

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February 15, 2010
Virgin Switch Highlights End Game for A340 Values
Single Digit Backlog Will Prevent Value Recovery With Virgin Atlantic Airways having switched six remaining orders for the A340-600 to the A330-300, the backlog for the A340-500 and -600 amounted to no more than seven aircraft as of the end of 2009, thereby pointing to further erosion of values. Virgin…

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February 1, 2010
Last Delivery of B747-400 Highlighted by Depressed Values CRJ200 Values Face Renewed Pressure as Mesa Falters MD80 Acquisition Fails to Turn Type Into Asset Cargo Traffic For 2009 Experiences Major Fall But Improvement Evident Widebody Lease Rates Continu
Values of B747-400 & -400Fs Approach Low Point The delivery of the last B747-400 – a -400ERF – in late 2009 signals the end of an era as well as highlighting a considerable deterioration in the value of both the passenger and freighter versions over the course of the last…

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January 18, 2010