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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A340-500
Last Delivery of B747-400 Highlighted by Depressed Values CRJ200 Values Face Renewed Pressure as Mesa Falters MD80 Acquisition Fails to Turn Type Into Asset Cargo Traffic For 2009 Experiences Major Fall But Improvement Evident Widebody Lease Rates Continu
Values of B747-400 & -400Fs Approach Low Point The delivery of the last B747-400 – a -400ERF – in late 2009 signals the end of an era as well as highlighting a considerable deterioration in the value of both the passenger and freighter versions over the course of the last…

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January 18, 2010
Widebody Lease Rates Continue to Stumble
The bottom for widebody lease rentals is fast approaching although the Northern Hemisphere winter may yet see some further problems which will undermine the ability of lessors to hike rates. The lease rentals of widebodies have been bloodied over the last eighteen months by low interest rates and rising availability…

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January 18, 2010
A330-200 Values Dip Amid Sustained Demand
The weaker market conditions have taken their toll on the values of the A330-200 and the premium previously applied to the type has dissipated amid a sense of realism. The delay in the development of the B787, as well as the elongated service entry of the A350, has led to…

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October 12, 2009
Widebody Lease Rates Hit the Buffers
The lease rentals of widebodies continue to falter as the industry heads for the weakest part of the year. Wet leases are bound to soar as operators see at least some revenue from underutilized capital assets. The significant fall in premium traffic is continuing to force many high profile operators…

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September 28, 2009
Scrapping of B767-300s Highlights Dangers for Ageing Marginalized Types
The sale of two 1986 B767-300s – the first to be built – by Japan Airlines to GA Telesis for part out underlines the problem of projecting values for 25 years or more. The two B767-300s (serial numbers 23216/23217), members of a family still held in high regard, are to…

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June 8, 2009
Widebody Values Continue to Fall
Widebodies may be faring better than narrowbodies but there can be no escaping the fact that values have fallen. The contraction of operations and the deferral of new orders means that there are now a significant number of widebodies in the parking lot. The demand for any those seeking to…

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March 16, 2009
Lease Rentals Start to Suffer
The market for widebodies had been very buoyant but the economic woes that now stretch around the globe are forcing down rates. The inevitable slowdown in production and the contraction of operations has loosened supply once again. While operators of existing widebodies are loath to actually dispose of assets in…

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March 2, 2009
Long Haul Ambitions May Aid Values if Widebody Demand Evaporates
The highly publicized reiterated ambition of Ryanair to participate in the sometimes lucrative transatlantic market could mop up some of the excess widebody capacity that could possibly emerge as a consequence of corporate failures and order cancellations. Ryanair, having already indicated such an intent in 2007 when oil prices started…

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November 10, 2008