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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A330-200
Nepal Airlines Finally Sells A Rare B757-200C for "$5.4 million"
The B757-200C owned by Nepal Airlines has been sold after a hiatus due to the Covid Event albeit for slightly less than the $5.7 million that was previously agreed. The aircraft (MSN 23863) was originally sold in December 2019 for $5.7 million to CSDS Asset Management after being offered for…

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September 13, 2021
Improvement in Narrowbody Lease Rentals Focus on Newer Types
Legacy of Covid Event is Expansion of Operator Base Once Again The market is recovering as vaccinations increasingly become the requirement for travellers even as some international markets such as Australia, New Zealand, Japan and many others restrict or ban non-essential international travel. A myriad of new start ups have…

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August 30, 2021
Air China Places “$10.6-12.0 million” Reserve on Three 2006 A330-200s
The values of the A330-200 continue to face weakness even if some are being moved between operators and lessees. Air China has announced that it is selling three of its 30 A330-200s. The aircraft were all built in 2006 and are powered by Trent engines. The airline has placed reserves…

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August 16, 2021
The table is published on an annual basis and complements the quarterly updates to specific aircraft categories. The table encompasses both current and future lease rentals. The methodology involved in calculating lease rentals differs from that of values. Lease rentals display greater volatility. Rentals are calculated individually and are not…

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August 2, 2021
Aircraft Asset Assessment - The B787-9
Market Presence. When the B787-9 was first introduced in 2014, the value of a new example approximated $130 million. There was inevitably some initial reluctance to see high values until the type proved itself in service. Although orders and deliveries surged, there was a concern that some Boeing orders were…

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July 19, 2021
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Current Market Value Assumptions
The listing of current and future values is based on the year of build. The essential assumption is that the aircraft are being sold as a single unit and between a willing seller and willing buyer for cash. The high and low figures represent adjustments for offer and sale prices,…

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July 5, 2021
Widebody Lease Rentals Yet to Recover
The market for widebodies remains under severe pressure as there exists a cautious approach to opening up international borders, particularly long haul, and this is causing great difficulties for the placement of both new and used widebodies. The U.S. domestic market is seeing a major recovery but perhaps because of…

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June 21, 2021
Values & Rentals Never Performed
The B767-400 was never a niche aircraft but was instead marginalized having never produced the type of demand envisaged by Boeing but instead merely met the demands of a few loyal customers. The B767-400 was only ever ordered by Delta and United although one was also delivered to BBJ and…

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June 7, 2021
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