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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
A320 & B737NG Lease Rentals Experience Expected >20 Percent Fall
Lower Rates Reflect Lesser Demand & Lower Interest Rates Lease rates have exhibited a significant fall over the course of the last six months such that rentals of newer narrowbodies are perhaps 20-25 percent off their recent peak. The market for newer narrowbodies continues to face severe pressure. Lessees are…

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March 16, 2009
Engine Values Experience Falls As Fleets Contract
Engines have been seen as something of a safe haven given greater lease return potential as well as longevity but as the demand for spare engines has fallen so then so have values. Hundreds of aircraft have been placed into storage over the last year and more are destined to…

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March 16, 2009
Values & Rentals Face Downward Pressures
The previous exceptional demand for the B767-300ER has waned such that the much expected decline in values has commenced in earnest to the extent that during the course of the last six months, values have fallen by some fifteen percent. With production now stretching back for more than 20 years…

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March 16, 2009
A318 Values Fail to Inspire
With only two outstanding orders for airline customers, the prospects for values of the A318 are not looking favorable. The total number of orders for the A318 number 83. Of these, 67 have been delivered with all 67 in operation. However, of the 16 remaining to be delivered, only two…

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March 2, 2009
Dash8-400 Values Remain Unchanged – At Present
Values of the Dash8-400 are under scrutiny as investigators seek to determine the loss of a Colgan Air aircraft on the 12th February. The cause of the crash, like so many others, is likely to result from a number of interconnected events rather than a single event. The aircraft suffered…

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March 2, 2009
Lease Rentals “Set To Decline” in 2009
Lease rentals of narrowbodies currently in production are set to experience further weakness according to lessor CIT Aerospace. According to Alexander Mason of the CIT Group during the Q4 20008 Earnings Call held in late January 2009, Mason stated “2008 was a stellar year for our air segment as the…

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February 16, 2009
Aircraft Values Face Testing Times
The values of the newer aircraft may not be experiencing a fall of the magnitude experienced by some types during this and other downturns but the trend is clearly negative and will remain so for at least another twelve months. The values of older aircraft were the first to suffer…

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February 2, 2009
Decline in Narrowbody Residuals Remains Fluid
Medium Term Residuals Benefiting from Indecision With medium to long term residual values so heavily dependent on the timing and magnitude of any replacement product, the difficulty in unraveling longer term market dynamics by the manufacturers is likely to focus attention on modest product improvement programs, thereby delaying the service…

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February 2, 2009