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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
B747-8F Values Under Scrutiny Due to Fuel Efficiency Issue
Values of the B747-8F are under scrutiny again as the cause of the hiatus over the delivery of the first B747-8F is clarified. Cargolux refused the delivery of the first B747-8F freighter reportedly due to a shortfall in the fuel efficiency of the GE GEnx-2B engine by a not inconsiderable…

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October 10, 2011
B737MAX Settles Narrowbody Values "Down"
Boeing has finally made a decision on re-engining the B737 thereby creating a measure of certainty with respect to the fate of the narrowbody product line which inevitably raises questions as to how far values of the existing A320 and B737 aircraft will be impacted. Boeing will be anxious to…

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September 12, 2011
Future Values of B737NG Need to Avoid Double Counting
The launch of the B737MAX is expected to cause some anxiety for investors and those with an interest in asset values of the existing A320 and B737NG family members. Historically, values of an existing product line have been adversely affected when a replacement aircraft has been launched though the major…

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September 12, 2011
Newer Narrowbody Values Stable
Despite the certainty of change in the narrowbody sector in the coming years, the values of the newer examples are showing a measure of stability. Economic uncertainty however, is proving to be a contradictory force. TAM for example is due to accept 13 new A320s in the near future but…

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September 12, 2011
Realism Prevails for A320 Values
The short term prospects for values of the newer A320s remain reasonable even in the context of the A320neo. The demand for newer equipment, as a means of reducing costs, remains sufficiently strong as to allow the values of new A320s to nudge towards $40 million with the possibility that…

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September 12, 2011
Delta Order for B737-900ERs Arrives Too Late for Values to Pick Up
The order for 100 B737-900ERs from Delta will do much to inflate the -900ER orderbook but will do little for values of the type. The order reflects an urgent need on the part of Delta to replace ageing MD88s in the coming years. The delivery schedule of the Delta order…

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September 12, 2011
Past Aircraft Value Behavior Provides Clue to To Future for Investors
The launch of the A320neo, and the probable re-engining of the B737NG, has increasingly stimulated investors to consider how the values of existing products could change by examining how past developments have changed values. The development of the A320neo, and the likely re-engining of the B737NG, have already had an…

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August 15, 2011
American Order Creates Uncertainty for Medium Term Residuals
Only a few weeks after the last issue of Aircraft Value News suggested that Boeing would opt for an all new design, Boeing flip-flops and seemingly decides on re-engining, thereby creating a measure of confusion for residual values. AMR Orders/Options A320/A321 A320/A321neo B737 B737RE Total Orders 130 130 100 100…

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August 1, 2011