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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
Dash8 Reliability Represents Concern for Residuals
Reliability issues are usually inevitable with the service entry of any new product but persistent problems such as those being experienced with the Dash8-400 over a number of years can have implications for residual values as subsequent operators may not wish to acquire used aircraft with lesser reliability. The Dash8-400…

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November 21, 2011
A340-300 Values Continue to Deteriorate
The A340-300 continues to face a myriad of adverse pressures such that the type is left wanting and values are inevitably declining. GECAS Asset Management Services has reportedly acquired an ex-Safi Airways A340-300 (serial number 015) for part out. The aircraft was originally destined for Northwest Airlines but was actually…

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October 24, 2011
Asking Prices Continue to Remain Optimistic
The prices being asked of aircraft continues to be in the mainly optimistic, particularly for newer aircraft types, though those being quoted for older aircraft are more in line with expectations. A total of seven A300-600s, built between 1993 and 1996, have an asking price of $12 million each which…

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October 24, 2011
Values of B777Fs Remain Stable
While the airfreight sector begins to appreciate that the weakness of the global economy will continue to place pressure on yields as traffic stagnates, the sustained appetite for the B777F is notable as is the ability of values to resist the downward pressure that is affecting so many other freighter…

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October 24, 2011
Freighter Lease Rates Falter
The lease rentals of freighters continues to remain under pressure as the fate of the world economy hangs in the balance. The month of August saw a considerable drop in traffic although it must be noted that a year previously, airfreight traffic increased by more than twenty percent. For the…

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October 10, 2011
Chapter 2 Values Continue to be At Scrap Levels
The values of virtually all Chapter 2 aircraft are at scrap levels. For the majority of Chapter 2 aircraft, any value mostly resides with the operator. Seeking to sell the aircraft for cash was already proving to be more difficult and the credit crunch has only exaggerated the difficulties. There…

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October 10, 2011
B747-8F Values Under Scrutiny Due to Fuel Efficiency Issue
Values of the B747-8F are under scrutiny again as the cause of the hiatus over the delivery of the first B747-8F is clarified. Cargolux refused the delivery of the first B747-8F freighter reportedly due to a shortfall in the fuel efficiency of the GE GEnx-2B engine by a not inconsiderable…

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October 10, 2011
Cautious Attitude Towards Values at ISTAT Conference
The ISTAT conference held in Barcelona 18-20 September, which saw a near fifty percent rise in delegate numbers over the previous year, reflected a more cautious outlook for values compared to the optimism of the Munich conference held in 2010. With more than 750 delegates, the extremely well attended ISTAT…

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October 10, 2011