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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
B757 Values Further Exposed As AMR/US Airways Merge
The result of the merger between American Airlines and US Airways will create the world’s largest airline but may also cause some problems for fleet integration and therefore values. The merger of the two airlines will see the approximate 600 aircraft of American and the 350 of US Airways being…

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February 25, 2013
Static A320 Production During Transition Should Aid Values
With Airbus seeking to avoid straining the A320 family supply chain during the transition period through to the production of the A320neo, some of the concern over the effects of “excessive” delivery rates on aircraft values should be alleviated. Airbus now indicates that the production rate for the A320 family…

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February 11, 2013
B737-900ER Values Stable At Present
The number of orders placed for the -900ER in recent years has increased by a considerable amount but unfortunately the depth and breadth of the operator and customer base still lags behind that of the A321. In the spring of 2001, Boeing started studying the possibility of a -900X featuring…

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February 11, 2013
Lease Rentals Stabilize
The lease rentals of many newer narrowbodies have managed to stop falling and now appear to be in a period of stabilization with the potential for some improvement. While there continues to be a number of aircraft on the market, the demand for newer aircraft from all regions in recent…

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February 11, 2013
Values of B737-500s May Weaken Further As Russian Refuge Falters
The values of -500s have enjoyed relative calm in the last few years due in no small part to the demand from Russia and Eastern Europe but with leases now expiring the fate of the type is less certain. In the last decade the expansion of the airline industry in…

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February 11, 2013
Airbus List Prices Rise By 3.6 Percent
Gap Between List & Net Prices Increases But At Slower Pace The list prices of Airbus products for 2013 have increased by an average of 3.6 percent showing that the manufacturers still have inflationary pressures. The 3.6 percent price increase applies to nearly products except the A318 which had a…

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January 28, 2013
Selection of Pratt & Whitney Engine for “New” E-Jet Signals New Era
The selection by Embraer of the Pratt & Whitney PW1700G and PW1900G engine instead of a new offering from incumbent engine supplier on the E-Jets, GE, points to a move to present the re-engined E-Jets as more than a modest re-engining which may have implications for residual values of the…

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January 28, 2013
Lease Rentals Fail to Inspire
The airfreight market remains in the doldrums though the latest data from IATA shows a slight increase in traffic in recent months. Between October and November 2012, airfreight traffic increased by a reasonable 2.4 percent with domestic traffic rising by 2.9 percent and international by 2.4 percent according to IATA…

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January 28, 2013