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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
MD83 Values Fail to Clamber Out of Canyon
The values of the MD83 continue to remain depressed as they have been for nearly a decade but the size of the operator base shows that there remains interest in the type. Despite still being the most desirable of MD80 variants, the fortunes of the MD83 have experienced sustained adversity.…

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July 29, 2013
Aircraft Asset Assessment: MD83
Market Presence. The MD83 experienced its heyday in the late 1980s and early 1990s. While values started to stumble more than ten years ago, availability only became a major issue in recent years. Even before production ceased in 1999, the MD83 was already facing severe pressure from the A320 and…

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July 29, 2013
B737-700 Values Continue to Decline
While a decade ago the -700 was very much in demand, this is not the case today and with a lack luster orderbook and an adverse age profile values and lease rentals are tumbling. The values of the -700 have experienced a significant fall as the market moves to newer…

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July 1, 2013
Embraer E2 Seen As Producing Solid Residuals
The new E-Jets will offer a 16 percent improvement in the case of the E175 and 23 percent for the E195. The issue of fuel efficiency on the regional jets is of lesser significance than for the long haul widebodies as they are used on shorter routes. However, the lower…

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July 1, 2013
Advancing Age Starts to Undermine B737NG Values  
Values of Early B737NGs at Risk as Operators Rollover Fleets The B737-800 continues to be one of the most sought after assets for investors but advancing age and greater efficiency will inevitably see lesser desirability just as the A320 has experienced in recent years. The B737NG has been in service…

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June 17, 2013
In Production Values Slip Due to Age
The values of most in production used aircraft are experiencing a slight fall in the context of a still contradictory market. The market on the one hand is experiencing exceptional strength in terms of new orders but on the other the market for used aircraft is comparatively weak unless the…

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June 17, 2013
Most Engine Values Continue to Offer Stable Returns
The values of engines are generally holding steady though those powering the older out of production aircraft continue to experience a decline as availability increases. The sustained level of engine values has been partly the cause of parting out for relatively new aircraft. Spare engine prices and engine spares seem…

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June 3, 2013
Lease Rates Remain Resilient Despite Lower Renewal Rates
The returns being made by the lessors continues to be at levels that indicate that rates are holding up relatively well despite renewals being at lower levels than the peak of late 2007. Air Lease Corporation has announced $40 million net income for the first quarter of 2013 on revenues…

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June 3, 2013