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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A320
B737-900ER Values Fail to Inspire
The values of the -900ER continue to fall as the type has failed to gain sufficient traction before the arrival of the B737MAX. In the spring of 2001, Boeing started studying the possibility of a -900X featuring more range and allowing more seats to be fitted. This necessitated the installation…

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November 16, 2015
A319s and B737-700s Lives “Shorten” As Parting Out Gathers Pace
Asset lives of the A319 and B737-700 continue to be threatened with being foreshortened as the market moves to larger equipment. While there continues to be sporadic demand for the 120 seaters on the used market the lack of appetite for new aircraft and the contraction of the backlog continues…

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November 16, 2015
Post Conversion Values May Not Equal Cost
With PacAvi (subsidiary of AerCap) due to announce its launch customer this month for the A320 family conversion program, there is renewed interest in the narrowbody conversion program given that Airbus has already reinstated its modification and that the B737-800 is also set to be a freighter. While the narrowbody…

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October 5, 2015
Boeing Asking Prices Remain Realistic
The used market continues to be active with the lower price of fuel persuading operators to acquire older aircraft as an interim measure until such time as a delivery slot for a new aircraft can be acquired. Inevitably the older aircraft are still facing low pricing due to the greater…

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October 5, 2015
SCOPE+ Will Likely Contain A320 Pricing
The stagnation, and even decline, in new aircraft pricing and values continues to be an important determinant of current and residual values and with both Airbus and Boeing ramping up their production rates to meet “demand”, there is an expectation that economies of scale will facilitate the containment of new…

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October 5, 2015
Record Backlog & Production Takes Toll on Values
While the low price of fuel should favor used aircraft the market continues to face the consequences of transitioning to new types and the preference for new rather than used aircraft. The displacement of older aircraft with new examples and the age profile of some narrowbodies is inevitably having an…

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September 21, 2015
Values of “Five Year Old” Aircraft Worth Less Today Than 2010
In assessing the performance of aircraft as assets the overall trend for both widebodies and narrowbodies shows a decline though in terms of lease rentals the differential is of lesser significance. In 2010 the value of a five year old A320 – ie an A320 delivered in 2005 – was…

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September 21, 2015
Risk of Interest Rate Rise Falls as China Devalues
With falling unemployment in some countries and the need to wean the market off historically low interest rates, there has been mounting pressure for an increase but with the devaluation of th Yuan by China there will be a reluctance to further strengthen exchange rates. The lesser need to increase…

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August 24, 2015