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Aircraft Archive: Airbus A319
Changing Product Line Affects AVACs Aircraft Ratings
The Aircraft Ratings produced by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company (AVAC) are experiencing a modest downgrading due to the arrival of new products in the coming years. The first to be introduced over a decade ago and now a benchmark for the industry, AVACs Aircraft Ratings for a number of…

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April 8, 2013
Changing Product Line Affects AVACs Aircraft Ratings
The Aircraft Ratings produced by The Aircraft Value Analysis Company (AVAC) are experiencing a modest downgrading due to the arrival of new products in the coming years. The first to be introduced over a decade ago and now a benchmark for the industry, AVACs Aircraft Ratings for a number of…

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April 8, 2013
Fall in B737-600 Values Continues
The parting out of more than ten percent of the -600 fleet after only some 15 years since service entry is enough to force values of the type to fall further. Values of the -600 were placed “On Watch” status eleven years ago and the variant has become marginalized such…

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April 8, 2013
In Production Narrowbody Values Static
The values of in-production narrowbodies have experienced only a modest decline though older examples face continued weakness. The demand for new aircraft seems to remain insatiable as Lion Air, Ryanair and THY all place large orders. The backlog is therefore increasing rather than falling even as the manufacturers have increased…

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March 25, 2013
Values of B737-700 Continue to Fall as Unit
While the fading fortunes of the A319 are the focus of attention, the prospects for values of the B737-700 are also under review as a unit is acquired for parting out after seeing less than 15 years service. Serial number 28105 was built in 1998 and was the 66th B737NG…

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February 25, 2013
Lease Rentals Stabilize
The lease rentals of many newer narrowbodies have managed to stop falling and now appear to be in a period of stabilization with the potential for some improvement. While there continues to be a number of aircraft on the market, the demand for newer aircraft from all regions in recent…

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February 11, 2013
Values of B737-500s May Weaken Further As Russian Refuge Falters
The values of -500s have enjoyed relative calm in the last few years due in no small part to the demand from Russia and Eastern Europe but with leases now expiring the fate of the type is less certain. In the last decade the expansion of the airline industry in…

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February 11, 2013
Semi-Annual Jet Aircraft Value Listing
The problems in the Eurozone, and elsewhere in the advanced economies, are continuing to affect disposal income and discretionary travel to a larger extent than perhaps during the midst of the Great Recession. Inflationary pressures associated with higher fuel and food prices are reducing the amount of cash available to…

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January 14, 2013