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Aircraft Archive: A320NEO
Values of Late Build A320ceos & B737NGs Face Complex Assessment
The values of those A320s and B737NGs built in the final years of each program will likely face contradictory forces. In the run up to the service entry of the A320neo and B737MAX both Airbus and Boeing will be seeking to maintain production levels. This means that both have to…

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October 8, 2012
Used A321 Values Remain Relatively Stable
The market for the A321 remains relatively stable even though values continue to fall in the context of weaker market conditions and in the run up to the service entry of not only the A321neo but A321ceos equipped with winglets. The market for the A321 is obscured by the popularity…

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October 8, 2012
Focus On C919 By Ryanair Aims to Achieve Discount from Boeing
Ryanair has long been promoting its appetite to acquire the Chinese offering from COMAC but with the emphasis on a stretched C919, it seems that the Irish carrier is more serious in extracting further concessions from Boeing. When Ryanair has previously sought to place a large order with Boeing, the…

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September 24, 2012
Values Fall As Market Faces Disparate Weakness
The values of some narrowbodies have continued to experience some weakness as a result of the economic malaise in some regions and as remarketing of used aircraft proves problematical. The problems in Europe and North America have not been sufficiently resolved as to allow confidence to return, thus enabling more…

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September 24, 2012
A318 Values Fail to Impress  
Orders for the A318 have failed to advance over recent years, indeed over nearly a decade, and with the type no longer to feature in the A320neo family line-up, the values of the type will be largely dependent on the corporate/VIP market. A total of 81 have been ordered with…

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September 10, 2012
Boeing List Prices Rise by More Than 5 Percent
Net Pricing Nudge Towards 50 Percent Despite the continued weakness of the market, at least outside of Asia and Latin America, Boeing list prices recorded another significant rise, further distancing them from single unit values. The average rise amounted to 5.6 percent. The methodology behind rises in list prices is…

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September 10, 2012
Boeing List Prices Rise by More Than 5 Percent
Net Pricing Nudge Towards 50 Percent Despite the continued weakness of the market, at least outside of Asia and Latin America, Boeing list prices recorded another significant rise, further distancing them from single unit values. The average rise amounted to 5.6 percent. The methodology behind rises in list prices is…

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September 10, 2012
Newer A320 Values Fail to Advance
While orders continue to be placed for new non NEO A320s to meet demand from a variety of markets, the values of such new aircraft are to some extent stagnating. The A320 family, and indeed the narrowbody offerings from Boeing, are facing a variety of adverse pressures that is limiting…

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July 30, 2012