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Aircraft Archive: A320NEO
A321-200ceo & neo Values Continue to Edge Upwards
Residual Value Outlook Better for A321 While Boeing may be undecided about how – or whether – to replace the B757 in the next decade, the orders for virtual replacements in the form of the A321neo and B737-9MAX continue to mount with the Airbus product more favored. After a false…

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February 24, 2014
Airbus List Prices for 2014 Increase by Modest 2.6%
While the sustained demand for the A320neo family may have tempted Airbus to hike list prices, the rise of 2.6 percent for all types has been modest in comparison with previous years. The increase of 2.6 percent is much in line with producer’s inflationary pressures but again has no relevance…

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January 27, 2014
A320neo Values Experience Slight Improvement
The differential in values between the A320ceo and A320neo has increased slightly in favor of the latter as the market continues to favor the re-engined aircraft. The current difference in value between a 2015 A320ceo and an A320neo is approximately $6 million with the sharklet equipped A320ceo being $5 million…

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December 2, 2013
Lessors Still Seeking to Increase Rates
The lessors are still seeking to increase the lease rentals on some aircraft types despite the competition. The competition among lessors remains intense but this needs to be seen in the context of a still expanding leasing market. The lessors are however, also having to compete against airlines that are…

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November 18, 2013
CSeries Values Gain Traction
First Flight Moves CSeries from Concept to Reality The first flight of the CSeries on the 16th September 2013 represented a significant step for both the CSeries and Bombardier, turning the aircraft from a paper aircraft to reality and making it necessary to assess asset value in the context of…

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November 4, 2013
ISTAT Panel Cite Rise in Lease Rentals of Newer A320s
Rates for Older A320s May – or May Not – Have Also Risen The ISTAT European Conference held in Barcelona earlier this month once again provided the opportunity to gain an insight into real trading activity, in particular the A320. The lease rentals of the A320 have been experiencing a…

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October 21, 2013
Values of Younger Aircraft Continue to Fall
The market conditions are such that there are relatively few major changes to values taking place. There are many countries around the world that have formal and informal limits on the age of aircraft that can be imported and leased. The airlines themselves may also avoid older aircraft even if…

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October 7, 2013
Values of Older A320s & B737NGs Warrant Different Residuals Assessment of Actual Specification Becomes Ever More Important for Values
The extension of the product life cycle of aircraft by virtually all manufacturers is making it ever more essential to ensure that the value reflects the specification of the specific aircraft and, if necessary, to calculate different residual value curves for early and later aircraft. With aircraft types now remaining…

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September 23, 2013