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Aircraft Archive: A318
Lower Demand & Pricing Force Scrapping of “Current” Generation Aircraft
The move towards newer aircraft at the expense of relatively modern aircraft continues apace as a result of lower pricing for what only a few years ago were considered prime assets. The values attributed to some aircraft are at odds with the imperatives felt by some owners. A third ex-Lufthansa…

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August 13, 2012
Lease Rentals Continue to Weaken
Although new sales remain strong, the lease rentals of narrowbodies continue to weaken slightly as supply increases and demand falls. The reason for lower rentals is due to the reconnection of the aviation industry in the latter part of 2011 to the wider economic malaise that still prevails. New start…

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July 30, 2012
Values of B767-200ER Face Downward Pressures
While there are only a relatively few -200ERs in commercial service – less than 80 – this has not prevented values from experiencing a further fall due to advancing age and moves towards alternative types. The 77 -200ERs still in service are operated by a myriad of operators including American…

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June 18, 2012
Values Of A318 Continue to Experience Declines
Orders for the A318 have actually declined in the last two years such that only 81 have been ordered. This is not necessarily a concern for Airbus as it makes much more money from the larger aircraft. Nonetheless, the limited order and operator base is a concern for owners should…

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June 18, 2012
Newer Narrowbody Values Continue to Struggle Despite Backlog
The values of most narrowbodies have continued to exhibit a modest decline over the last quarter in appreciation of continuing weak market conditions and the potential for further corporate contractions. Any fall must be seen in the context of the normally expected five percent fall per annum. China has again…

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June 4, 2012
Embraer Net Prices Closer to List Prices Than Airbus or Boeing
The list prices of Airbus and Boeing bear no relationship to the actual prices being paid by customers but at least those of Embraer are far closer to reality. The regional jet manufacturers have been securing relatively good net prices partly because order quantities are lower and also due to…

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June 4, 2012
No Recovery for Lease Rentals
The lease rentals of narrowbodies still in production are continuing to experience only a modest decline which needs to be seen in the context of historically low interest rates, rates which are expected to remain low for the next few years. The reason for lower rentals stems from the reconnection…

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May 7, 2012
Newer Narrowbodies Edge Down Slightly
The reduction in net lease rentals over the course of the last six months has inevitably had an impact on values. While the backlog for the A320 and B737 remain at near record levels there has to be an appreciation that the market is not as strong as it was…

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March 12, 2012
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